Francis Weasley (D)

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Admin: Could I have, Peggy and Angelica review this OC?

I'm the only one online right now lol. Also sorry reviews are taking forever, we're all super busy

Fandom: Harry Potter Name: Francis Arthurian Weasley (yes, I know he's related to Ronald Weasley, I'm trying to make a good book)

the first step is admitting it

 Age: 14 [-set in fifth year]

 Gender: Male

thats unique

Blood-Status: Pureblood

 Species: Human 

 Sexuality: Bisexual, it doesn't matter what gender they are. 

lol I know what bisexual means. Is this because Eliza and Peggy don't know what demisexual means?

 Personality: Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict and avoids doing things that will generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Private. Timid and prone to discouragement. Socially uncomfortable. Suggestible and not self-confident. Second-guesses self. Lower energy. Fears drawing attention to self. Very well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoys the present moment. Disorganized, easily distracted, prone to discontentment, easily disturbed. Prone to confusion. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Not aggressive. Timid, fearful, anxious, guarded, not confrontational. Ethnicity: British Appearance: Basically, looks like young Freddie Highmore but with messy ginger hair and amber eyes (-kid me not, it's a real eye colour) with pasty pale skin with small freckles on his nose. He has a small build and weighs about 114lbs, he is often called a weakling due to his size and that gives him self-doubt.

reminds me a lot of neville

 House: Gryffindor, though he doesn't think so but he's braver than he thinks.

okay, I didn't get much from this bio. who are his friends? enemies? what's his life at Hogwarts like?

Mary Sue Rating: 70%

Interest Grade: 10%

Originality Rating: 10%

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