Ellen Florent: (A-)

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"Name : Ellen Florent pretty basic but still nice
Age : 23
Fandom : Original das cool
Gender : Female
Backstory : Ell was born in a small house and was raised by her parents, Agnetha and Rowan. She has two sisters, Camilla and Ila. She lived in a farm and always used to help out with jobs, from tending the rabbits, to gathering crops. Every day, except Sunday, since she was fifteen, she goes into the market to trade and get things for her family, like food and fabrics.  That's all good and unique
Appearance : Typical Scandinavian features (her mother is Norwegian, her father British) - blue eyes and light blonde hair. Rounded cheeks and Ell's hair reaches her lower/middle back and is thick and matted. She's shorter than an woman and slightly underweight, for reasons she or her family can help (poor lifestyle and not a 'desirable' race). Very fabricated and natural clothes i.e cloth and sheep skin. I like her appearance a lot
Species : Human
Strengths : Quick to react physically and verbally, basic defence skills, good common sense.
Weaknesses : Sometimes too quick to judge, not a 'desirable' race, not physically strong. Not a desirable race? What's that supposed to mean. Isn't white supposed to be the priveliged race. (I swear if anyone gets offended)
Power(s) : None
Friends : Family, Aurora Aksnes, Amy Forrest, Ben Honey, Clare Filly.
Enemies : Hank Filly, Cecelia Fritta, Mary Baxter, Dexter Sand." I like it
Overall, she's different from most OC's in a good way. There not a whole lot to her though.
Mary Sue Rating: 0%
Originality Grade: 90%
Interest Grade: 70%
Statement: my brain is 50% Hamilton 50% internal screaming. This has nothing to do with the OC but oh well
Admin: Angelica

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