Abigail Hayes (C)

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"fandom: Harry Potter aye
name: Abigail Hayes pretty basic name
age: sixteen-seventeen
gender: female
sexuality: heterosexual
physical appearance: short brown hair, brown eyes, average height, freckles she's pretty average looking but that can be a good thing
emotional description: mother friend of the group, can be quite overbearing, gets offended over certain subjects very quickly ok
love interest: regulus black oh?
mother: Patricia Hayes
father: Ronald Hayes
brother: Hayden Hayes Hayden hayes😂 poor kid
backstory: grows up in a flat in east london, has a relatively supportive family
plot: her journey through hogwarts while having lost a good friend and facing teenage feelings she's grown towards a predjudices dickhead who won't stop playing with her feelings unintentionally. Oh she falls in love with someone who's an asshole while the first book ends on a kind of sad note, the epilogue is relatively happy until bam! regulus is alive and wants to see her again, even though she's married and has a family (he doesn't know that tho oh
overall: there wasn't really anything standout about her, she was pretty average. And the *falls in love with asshole guy thing* is overdone. It has the potential to be good, try to flesh out their relationship really well.
Mary Sue: 10%
Interest grade: 50%
Originality grade: 50%
Statement: eh
Admin: Angelica (tb to when I liked Hamilton)

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