Libra (B)

439 15 38

Before we start, can I say that this is way too long. It's already 2000 words without me typing anything. This is great too have for yourself but most people will be turned off by the length when you're submitting it to people
Age // 19

Sexuality // Biromantic asexual
That's unique, I've never met someone biromantic and asexual.

Species // Human

Birthday // September 30th, 1997

The year is kinda redundant since I already know his age
Fandom // n/a

Appearance //

Libra's appearance is fallible, although he has learned to deal with it over the years
What is Libra's full name
Libra's appearance is fallible, although he has learned to deal with it over the years. His hair, jet-black and nothing else, is long and wild and inevitably curly. It is similar to the hair of most high-maintenance supermodels or fashionistas-- glossy like magazine-covers, smelling like a mixture of Amoxicillin and fine, clean bedsheets. His eyes are the same beetle-esque black color, large and round and piercing like the nighttime.
You don't have to tell me what his hair smells like. Also he sounds really liam hot
Most of his family have dark skin, or at least some kind of tan, and at one time so did Libra. However, he was diagnosed with a skin condition called Vitiligo at a young age; quickly, his skin cells stopped producing melanin, and his skin has been lightened almost to white in rather large patches. Libra is disheartened by the loss of color to his skin, and his only reassurance are the darker splotches of skin on his elbows, ankles, knees and stomach.
Aw that's sad.

His clothing style is not extravagant. His wardrobe consists of either a simple white shirt and black plants, or a formal suit and tie. There is nothing in between.

(a) height // He's very short for his age, standing at 5'4", and barely at that. (around 163cm)

Wow that's very short

(b) weight // 110 lbs (around 50kg)

That's a very unhealthy weight for a nineteen year old man.

(c) other //

+ He has the scar "I must not tell lies" on the back of his right hand from a dare with his friends. This scar occurred when he was fifteen. He does not talk to those people anymore.
Harry Potter reference
+ Despite being borderline underweight, Libra carries out an intense diet and exercise regimen daily.
Eek, he sounds anorexic
+ He generally does not drink a lot of water. This dehydration often causes excess bloating. He dislikes this because he feels like it makes him look "heavy." Still, he is too far into habit in order to cease the problem.
Wow I've never heard anyone in the habit of not drinking water

Libra is an insouciant and unusually distanced creature. Although unable to sympathize or empathize properly with people due to Asperger Syndrome,
Woah woah woah hold up. If you are going to do a mental illness, you have to do it very well to represent it and not romanticize it. this man is intellectual in the sense of intuitiveness, common sense, and the inability to forget. He is socially challenged, but does not have problems with language or intellectual disability. Libra specializes in mathematics, logic and law. He knows all prime numbers up to 7,501, wow I thought I was good at math but he sounds really good and could defeat one in a game of chess within twelve-and-a-half minutes. His way of life is extremely specific, although he does not understand figurative literature or emotions.
This whole bio is very specific. Do I really need to know how fast he can beat me in chess to understand his personality?

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