Between life and death

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He was shaking her brutally,yelling scared for help,for someone. Shannon enter in room,smashing the door to the wall and saw his brother with her in his arms. Jared had the most terrified look.

"Call the ambulance,now." Jared said to Shannon who run to take the phone and made the call.

They comes home after tour and when Jared enter in bedroom,found her on the floor;several bottles of pills and a bottle empty of whiskey was around her. When the paramedics came,Jared was sitting on the bed and his brother was keeping a hand on his back,telling him to be strong;turning his head,Jared saw a note.

"Now you got what you wish for. I hope to be happy with her because I know everything,I know that she is pregnant. I love you."

"No,that's a lie,she wanted to revenge on me after I refuse to be with her" Jared said crying,kneeling near her. The paramedics took her,quickly from there,heading to hospital. She was on the edge,between life and death.

After almost two hours of waiting,the doctor came out. Shannon was by his brother,preparing himself to be strong for Jared.

"I'm sorry,we've done everything we could to rescue her. Unfortunately,the cocktail with pills and whiskey was fatal. I'm sorry" Jared stood in silence for few moments,while tears was rolling on his face.Falling down in knees,he let out a scream,full of pain.He was crying in his brother arms,saying that is not true,that she will step outside smiling and said that everything was a joke,a prank. But he saw her,laying on bed,cold.Took her in arms,trying to warm her,to wake her up.......dark.........Jared suddenly jumped;his heart was beating hard and he was very sweat.Was confused and scared. Looking in his right,saw her,sleeping.

"Thank God that it was only a dream,I love you sweetheart" said him taking her in his arms. She turned around,cuddling at his chest and sighed deeply.

He was still shaking a little,but in few moments calm himself.She was fine,safe in his arms and swear that will never hurt her. Placing his cheek on her,asleep,listening her breath,the most beautiful lullaby for him. Good night my angel.

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