Peter Parker ♡Harder

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Settling against Peter's chest with a quiet sigh, you lightly kissed his knuckles before touching them to your forehead. You had just broken the news to Peter that you would be leaving. It was something you both knew, but loathed the fact that it was going to happen. He gently encased you with his other arm and rested his chin on your shoulder. The brunette did not want you to go, but he loved you and he knew this was your oppurtunity to do what you loved. Not many people had such a chance.

"I'll miss you," you murmured, finally breaking the tense silence that had fallen over the pair of you.

A small, almost sad, smile appeared on his face as he hugged you a little tighter to him. "I'll miss you, too," he paused to take a deep breath. "I love you."

You wiggled to break free from his grip and turned to face him with a sad expression, tears welling up in your eyes before you hit him in the shoulder. "You choose to say it now? Right now? Are you trying to make this harder than it has to be? Pete, I..." You choked up, the frown on your face deepening as you cast your glance away.

Peter, on the other hand, though his shoulder was a little sore, he did not regret what he said. Or, well, maybe he did a little. But only because of the mood it put you in. He did not intentionally want to make this more difficult, but he wanted to get it out there. Before you left his life for good.

"I should go, Pete.," you whispered lowly under your breath after staring at Peter quietly for the past few mintues. You were sure you would see him at least once before you got in that car and left to purse your dream. And maybe by then, you could get those three little words out. The ones that could turn a person's entire world upside down. Or, make a certain person stay behind. Not leave.

Stay with Peter.

With a shake of your head, you pressed a slow, meanigful kiss to his lips before parting and rising to your feet, Sparing one last glance, you turned on your heel and began to leave his room. Before you had the dhance to close the door competely, you could faintly hear Peter say, "I'm so stupid."

It caused a slight smile to erupt on your face and with just a small crack left in the door before it was fully closed, you hummed a soft, "Thank you for everything, Peter." And with the final statement you left, homebound. Though it may be months or years before you would ever settle down, you would make sure that it would be in the same city as Spiderman. 

Credit to Caligo-Loki-Love on deviant art

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