Chapter 18

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Today I decided to busy myself. I had persuaded Brandon to take me shopping for new clothes. More comftorable ones, since the Gabe ordeal. I unpacked 4 boxes of clothes that Brandon insisted I buy and that I needed. I know we have a maid but I needed to busy my mind. I cleaned Emilio and i's bedroom. This all took pretty much half my day. I ate dinner with the rest of the familia beside Emilio. He hasn't been back in the last 10 hours, i am starting to worry but I can't disrupt him.

I decide I should call it an early night and bring my book with me to bed. I read for what feels like hours. My eyes start to feel droopy, and I can't seem to stay awake. Worry is still seeping threw my veins, taking over any other emotion in my body.

Emilio hasn't come back. I decide that I should be the good girlfriend I am, and cook him something.

I am starting on my Lasagna when the door swings open. I turn around to see Emilio barely making it into the house before collapsing on the ground. My first thought is he's drunk, until I see the dark red blood pooling around with him.

I scream out "emilio." I run over to him and check for the source. Right in his abdomen there's a large bullet whole with crimson blood comingout along with clumps of blood.

His eyes are fluttering back and forth, and I can tell that he's tired.

"Emilio. No! You look at me. Keep your eyes open. Baby keep your eyes on mine I'm here." I say quickly cupping his face.

"Brandon!" My screams echo threw the house.

He's down the stairs in lightening speed. Taking in the sight ahead of him he dials a number. Talking in Italian quickly. I don't know what he's saying because I'm not paying attention. I'm to focused on my love.

His eyes start to close. "NO! EMILIO NO. DONT YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES. DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES ON ME!YOU STAY AWAKE. I NEED YOU AWAKE." I yell, shaking him to keep him awake.

His eyes steadily close. " no, baby please don't go. You look at me. Okay? I love you. Please stay here. Stay with me. You have to stay awake. I love you."

He splutters something. It comes out muffled and gargled. Blood creeps out the side of his mouth, before his eyes shut.

Brandon squats down checking his pulse. His face going ashen. "Rosalia-"

"No! No! No!" I yell not wanting to hear it.

"I'm sorry but-"

I start sobbing inconsolably. No! No! No! No.

I hold Emilio to my chest not caring about the blood. I rock him back and fourth. "Please wake up, please wake up. Baby I love you so much. Please wake up."

Brandon and the others come with a body bag. Brandon grabs my arm and hauls me away. I watch as they lift him into the bag. I Kick and scream.
"No!no! No!no! EMILIO!"

"Baby wake up! It's okay baby please wake up!"

I am startled away by Emilio's voice. My body is shaking from my sobs. It was a nightmare, he's here thank god.

I launch myself into his arms. I cry into the crook of his neck. My sobs racking threw my body. I cling to his dress shirt as tightly as I can. He holds me close to him and rubs my back and strokes my hair. He places gentle kisses on my temple.

"I'm here baby. I'm right here. It's okay. I'll protect you."he soothed.

I couldn't stop crying at the thought of Emilio dieing or leaving me.

"p-please don't leave me." My sobs muffling most of my words.

"I'm right here babygirl. I'm not going anywhere." He kissed my temple again.

After my cries had turned to. sniffles he laid me down. He held me closely as I clung to him.

"You we're screaming in your sleep... What happened?" He wipes the tears off my cheeks.

I shook my head telling him no.

"You can't just scream in your sleep while your body shakes from sobs. Scaring the crap out of me. Please tell me."

"Y-you died, in my arms and left me." My voice a soft sad whisper. "I never have nightmares unless I'm worried about something."

"Why were you worried?" He strokes my hair.

"You weren't home yet... And i didn't know if you were okay."

"Your my reason for living. As long as I got you by my side I'm not going anywhere." He gives me a kiss filled with sincerity, love, and passion.

When he pulls away I can't help but feel a like something is missing. "Where I am going is to take a shower and change out of these clothes." He slowly moves my iron grip from his shirt.

I nod, but before he can move away I kiss him hard, missing the feel of his lips on mine. His hands tangling in my hair as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

This is where I want to be.....this is where I need to be..... Here in his arms.

This was more of a filler/informative type chapter to show how much she loves, and cares about him. Also kind of shows how little things like a nightmare or her crying scares him because he loves her just as much. Hope you enjoyed!

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