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I wake up with a sharp pain in my stomach. My hand immediately goes to it hoping to relive some of the pain. Instead another shock of pain hits, sending me into a state of dizziness. Braxton Hicks maybe?
My body starts to become surrounded by a warm oozy liquid. Shit. Before I can't let out a sound the contraction knocks the wind out of me.

"Emilio! Wake up please. " I try to say quietly and calm as i can.

He mumbled but doesn't wake up. "Emilio. Wake up I think I'm going into labor."

He doesn't move as each contraction his it get harder to nuffle ny screams. One breaks loose from my lips. This causes Emilio to shoot up.
"What's wrong?"

I wimprer as I try to make up the words. The pain is worse than I thought. "My water broke, and now my contractions are 4 minutes apart. "
Shit he yells. He helps me up off the bed. When I am steady. On my feet he grabs my purse and the diaper bag. We slowly but surely walk through the house toward the garage.

"Almost there baby. You can sit when we get to the car." He says while helping me through the whirlwind of cars." Finally at the car he helps me inside. I lay back holding my stomach hoping they would magically stop.

The ride was short but ft like a million years. When we were in the emergency room the doctors immediately rushe to my help. They got me in a wheelchair and straight to a room.

After I was undressed and on the bed the doctors immediately started checking vitals and dialation. So far I'm 7 centimeters. One more and i can push this baby out.

I started to break my tough facade. A few tears start to escape before I completely let out a sob wanting the pain to be over. Emilio gets up from his seat and comes over beside the bed.

"Your so strong baby. You got this. Just alittle longer and our beautiful baby will be here. " He coos softly and kisses my sweaty forehead.

I nod my head trying to find some reassurance in it. My contraction doesn't hit once but this time twice in a row. A doctor walks back in. Shes Takes a seat and checks the dialation once more.

"Alright Mrs.Delgatto it's time to get this baby out." She smiles.

I give her a nod. The whole time time im cursing myself for for going natural instead of taking the epidural.I try to focus on my breathing. I can feel the babies head start to peak through. Beautiful yes. But painful.

"Alright on 3 I want you to give me one big push" she says softly but firmly.

I nod my head. On the 3 i push with all my might and energy. I can feel the excruciating pain of her head completely disconnecting from me. All that's left is it's body.

"Okay we're gonna need to push again. Ready?" She asks.

I shake my head. "I can't. I can't do itt. It hurts so bad. I can't" I start to sob.

Emilio looks at me in pain. He hates go see me like this but there's nothing he can do about this. "Baby you are so strong. You got this. I know you do. Your so beautiful and soon our beautiful baby will be here all because of you. We can get though this. Just a few more pushes okay?"

I nod listening to his soothing voice. "Okay. "

Taking in a deep breath I push. The wind is practically knocked out of me causing my head to limp against the bed. The soothing voice from my dreams fill my ears.

"Lavender blue Dilly dilly
Lavender green.
When you are king dilly dilly
You'll need a queen. "

The voice seems to make all the pain fade. All I can think about is my baby. I have to get through this for my baby.

With another deep breath I squeeze Emilios hand and push. I push until I can no longer feel anything. I can only hear the loud cry of my baby.

"Congratulations it's a girl!"

They quick clean her up before handing her to me. Tears form in my eyes as I hold our little girl. Pink Rosy cheeks, grey stormy eyes, curly red hair, lightly tanned skin like her father's.
"She has your eyes" I whisper.

He smiles down at her. Tears falling down his cheeks. "She has your hair." He murmurs, mesmirized by our little girl.

"What's her name going to be?" The nurse asks.

I look at Emilio. "Scarlett?"

He ponders the name. "I love it. Scarlett Rose Delgatto?"

Tears fill my eyes. "It's beautiful"

"Just like her mother's name." He leans down and kisses me.

"I love you Emilio Beau Delgatto" I whisper.

"And I love you more Rosalia Tesadora Delgatto" he grins.

All I can think is my beautiful daughter has completed our family. Scarlett Rose Delgatto will be the death of me.

sorry for the late update. Technical difficulties are a pain. Still having the.. managed to get this chapter done so yay!!!!

The big question is........ Is this the end?

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