Chapter 25- Me in Your Wildest Dreams

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Two chapters in one day!! Guess I really felt like writing today. But this and the last chapter were relatively short so.... Anyways, I got the inspiration for this strange chapter from the song above so listen to the first few lyrics carefully and you'll see where I'm going with this.


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I was strapped to a chair. Invisible forces kept me stationary, not even able to twitch a muscle. Of the whole situation, that wasn't the strangest thing. I was strapped to a chair in the middle of a field. The field spread for miles, disappearing behind the horizon. It was littered with flowers of all kind, creating multicolored splatters across its surface. Like a canvas, the blossoms constructed a painting, a work of art.

The sun blazed above, casting a glistening appeal over everything below. It bore down on me, causing heat to tickle every inch of my skin. I tried to stand, tried to bask in a day filled with so much light. But I couldn't, I was forced in place.

Then a girl with short honey blonde hair strode onto the scene, like she had come out of thin air. She wore a flamboyant white dress that fluttered with her every step. Her nimble legs danced across the flower field, cherishing each passing second. A crown of knotted daisies rested on her head, accenting her elegant outfit. I knew this girl very well.

"Serena!" I cried but got no response. She didn't acknowledge me whatsoever. Her head didn't perk up, her movements didn't stop. She couldn't hear me. Instead, Serena pranced around the grassland, movements melting into one another like liquid.

Admittedly, she did look very appealing. I couldn't tear my eyes from her. Round innocent face and passion filled cerulean eyes. So I did the only thing I could think to do, I kept calling her name.

I got tired from shouting, yelling until my lungs burned. My desperate cries never reached her and how it pained me. It was a type of pain that I couldn't describe. Something that couldn't be put into words. It was like my one goal was to capture her attention. But those eyes I loved so much never met mine.

Then the sun began to sink behind the horizon, melting away into fragments of nothingness. The warm colors were swallowed by shades of night. Blackness bled into the sky, engulfing Serena and I in nightfall.

And soon things began to get worse. Time sped up, leaving me paralyzed in shock. The days turned into seconds. The sun and moon whizzed past with speed so unimaginable I could hardly believe my eyes. They rotated within split seconds and I couldn't keep up. Days passed, weeks passed, months, seasons all within the blink of an eye.

But the dizziness and slight headache this movement was giving me wasn't my main concern. No, it was far from it. The thing that tore at the flesh of my heart was watching her age. Serena never left, but as time passed, she grew up, as any normal human would. She changed, matured and grew taller. Her silky hair extended to her hips, still carrying the same charm that it always had. I watched breathless as she became more and more beautiful. As her smile grew wider and, as if it were possible, more dazzling. Serena's image became entrancing, alluring, an art to admire.

But I couldn't quite understand why this scene played with my heartstrings so much. Like someone was plucking at every cord until my whole body ached. I wanted to talk to her, grow with her, be with her. She was so close, yet so far. Not even my voice could reach her. But unlike Serena, I didn't age. I was stuck. Alone while I witness her experience life without me in it.

And that fact pained something inside me. An agony that I had never felt before. This wasn't one that left scratches or scars on my exterior, but rather tore up my insides.Why, I wasn't sure. It didn't make sense.

Then a boy entered. He had dark hair that shaded his piercing grey eyes. Tall and lanky with a toned build. He approached Serena, an admiring look softened his features the second he glanced at her. And she looked back with undeniable longing. This boy wasn't me, someone I had never crossed paths with. But he looked at Serena like she meant the whole world to him. Something inside snapped as he brung her delicate body into his arms and cradled her like a priceless object.

Obviously, I wasn't apart of her life anymore. I had vanished. Did she even remember me? Why wasn't I there to watch her grow? Was that 'him'? The one she loves?

These questions clouded my head as the couple continued to cuddle, blind to my presence. And in that moment, I realized that I wanted to spend every possible second with her. I wanted to see her grow and blossom into a beautiful person. I wanted to be there to pick her up when she fell down. Never, ever abandon her.

More time passed and the couple didn't ever stray from each others arms. Instead, they grew old together. Wrinkles creased Serena's face one by one. The effects of age started to seep into her features. Her skin became milky and crinkled. Her hair became peppered with grey strands until every inch was bleached.

And I sat there, a broken sixteen year old. Every piece of me had shattered by this point and I didn't know what to think anymore. She was gone. I had missed out. She forgot, I watched. I broke down for reasons I wasn't even aware of.

"Serena..." I muttered in a hoarse voice that didn't sound at all like me. It pushed its way passed my teeth fame and a series of sobs that were on the brink of braking through.

This couldn't be my future.

I sat up instantly, my eyelids flashing open. Hot droplets rolled from my hairline to my chin. Sweat. My chest rose and fell heavily with each gasp. Everything was washed in darkness. A room inside the Pokemon center surrounded me, the place I remembered we stopped at for the night. With a relived sigh, reality came crawling back.

It was just a dream.

I looked over at the girl lying in the bed next to me. I had to look at her, just to keep myself sane. She looked so peaceful when she slept. Her kindness and innocence shone through in every feature. Steady breathing, not a single movement. Serena was still the same as I remembered. She hadn't aged a day and I was still apart of her life. Just the way I wanted it.

That dream, rather nightmare, reminded me how precious life was. You only get one, so spend it with the right people. And I knew that Serena was a person I wanted to be in my life forever. I wasn't sure what kind of impact she would have, but I knew that I wanted her there. Because after that nightmare, I knew I couldn't bare a life without her.


Got pretty deep there and slightly out of Ash's comfort zone. But he is still a very dense idiot. The main problem with this book is trying to change Ash's character in a believable way. Hope I'm doing a good job!

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