Chapter 27- Their Bad Blood

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Sorry the chapter took so long, I was really busy. But to make up for it, this chapter is really long, so enjoy!

 But to make up for it, this chapter is really long, so enjoy!____________________________________________________

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"Aron, does this place seem familiar to you?" My friend asked as she drank in our current surroundings. They were jaw dropping, an exquisite sight that I never had the pleasure of seeing before. Nor was I even aware a place like this existed in Kalos. We must have missed it during our previous travels, which was a shame really.

In the dead middle of the forest, situated away from any civilization, was a towering waterfall that plunged into a crystal blue pool before running into the distance via a small stream. We had stumbled upon it miraculously and were instantly won over by its natural beauty. The vegetation here was noticeably greener, taking on a tropical feel. The gentle rumble of violent water was lulling to me, like the steady rhythm of drums in the background. Though, Pokemon appeared to be very scarce in this part of the forest. I hadn't even heard the rustle of a wild Pokemon since about a mile back.

"Yes it does. We've defiantly been here before I just can't remember when, or what it was for." The blonde boy replied as he pondered over the matter. Both siblings examined the area intensely, searching their brains for a specific memory. Ash and I on the other hand, watched the two in utter puzzlement.

"Of course! How could I possibly forget?! This is where our parents brought us for my thirteenth birthday. We had a picnic here as a present, the first time we left the enclosure of our house." Elaina concluded, looking very satisfied with herself. A brief smile crossed her face as she recalled the pleasant memory.

"That's right! If I remember correctly, we walked here from our house since it was only a short distance away. Which means..."

"Our parents...oh no..."

"We're home."

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After twenty minuets of searching, walking down half forgotten trails and watching the siblings bicker about which direction was right, we finally stumbled across a small household.

It was a two story, old fashioned wooden home that appeared to have been standing for centuries, like the kind of house you would find in Victorian times. Lumber was stacked high with beams crisscrossed against them, giving the place character. A sloping roof shaded a large doorway that was gated off with iron padlocks. The whole property was boxed in by a rotting wooden fence that had weathered away over the years. The back garden was littered with bare and fruitless trees and patches of wild daisies. Though, the grass was rather well kept.

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