(Chpt.3-02) PayBack👊

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Chapter Three
-As A Teen-

After the fight in school, they called my parents and suspended me for the rest of the week. No matter how much I told them that they were the ones who started it, I was still said to be involved.

But at least those b*tches got the same penalty and was suspended today too. Each and every last one of em. I just hope they didn't think it was over, because...I was going to get my revenge. Vanessa could've easily fought me one on one and that would've been cool. But now she..look like a big-ass punk.

She only wanted to fight because she simply just doesn't like me, and that's okay. If she got beef then she got beef. It surely wasn't the first time I fought a jealous-ass b*tch before...and it wouldn't be my last encounter. Unfortunately, I ended up grounded though, and couldn't even leave the house unless it was an emergency.

Now I'm just sitting here alone on my steps and wishing the pain in my face and body would go away soon. ...They really f*cked me up good😐😒💢

Hearing foot steps approaching my perimeter, I looked up from my game on my phone and  saw Damon surprisingly. I also noticed that he was holding something behind his back by his posture.

"Hey D..." he smiled, standing in front of me on the lower step.

"Hey..."  I gave him the slightest smile back.

"You okay? I saw the fight, man" he took the seat next to me on the step.

"It was more of an attack than a fight"

"True. It was about five of them b*tches on ya little-ass. But you held your ground" he praised me.

"My grandma ain't raise no punk, they lucky I don't know where they live at. I'll easily give that b*tch a knot on her forehead and rip all them nappy-ass tracks straight from her motherfuckin' head so it can show..." I growled, biting my lip.

"Damn really? Well just because I would love to see that, I'll tell you where Nesa live. I used to f*ck with one of her cousins, so I was always around her way"

"Where she live at?" I turned to him.

"Near the Rite Aid up there on 52nd. Its the 4th house down with a play pen in the yard"

"Aight, bet. Watch when I get off of punishment but thanks fo' lookin' out"

"Why can't you do it on punishment? You do everything else, bad-ass"

"Because I ain't that bold. My mama got them hard hands that'll bruise my light-ass so bad, I'll still be glowing red the next day"

He laughed at me. "True man, but you still my punk" he pushed me playfully.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him softly to the side, not really having the strength to fight anymore. I've been fighting all day...

"I got you a Sun flower, since I know you like them" he pulled the yellow flower from behind his back finally.

I smiled and politely took it from his hands. "Thank you, this is really sweet of you"

"You're welcome. I just felt bad for you after the fight and I wanted to at least brighten up your day just a little bit"

"Well you did just that. Thank you" I leaned over to hug him.

"How you feeling?" he wrapped his arm around me.

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