The Moose and the Robin (Sam Reader best friends!)

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Hey there, this is for my friend British_Bullet, she asked for a Sam and character best friends, so here it goes! I hope you enjoy and please, I'm open to requests!


The tree fell outside that you had been watching for hours, the two of you betting on when and if it would tumble since nothing else seemed to be intresting enough to hold the two of your attention.

"YES!" You shouted, Sam stopping his chair as it spun around below you, mouth hanging open I supprise as you started to make up a victory dance to your acomplishment, "Between six and seven, I told you!" You gloated as he rushed up the stairs, mouth still open in amazement.

"Damn it!" He swore, slamming a hand into the railing as the wind blew outside, banging on the window of the bunker as the two of you waited for Dean to return from his pie run (along with other groceries you had finally convinced him to get after an hour of arguing)

"And you owe me fifty bucks!" You snarked, raising up a hand streached out to him expecting the cash.

"Well, there goes my money..." he fished around in his pocket, pulling out a wallet and retrieving a fifty out of it but not before a wicked smile came over his face, "If you can catch it!" He screamed, running down the metal stairs each clacking against his sock covered feet as he ran down stairs.

"Hey, not fair!" You squealed, a smile of glee on your face as the two of you found something else to do since the power was out and the both of you had read almost every piece of good literature in the library in the past few days you had been holed up inside of it.

"Well, either catch it or..." you ran up infront of him, jumping trying to grab the bill from his fingers, "Or admit you tipped the tree!" You pursed your lips into a smile, raising an eyebrow at this little challenge.

"I'm giving you one chance moose, drop the dough!" You laughed as he rose to his toes as your desperate attempt continuously failed as you jumped higher and higher for the money.

"Not happening Robin." He teased, using the name Crowley had granted you due to how much smaller than Sam you were. That and your bright red hair, which didn't help much.

"Three..." you began to count down, a melevolent smile of your own growing on your lips as he backed up, realizing what he just did.

"Your kidding..." he said, eyes wide but the smile still on his lips as you looked at him the smile growing wider as he looked at you with a playful fear.

"...two..." he backed up and prepared to run as you closed your eyes and raised your brows as he watched you, just incase you were messing with him again.

"!" You shouted, grabbing the rope from behind you, running after Sam as he shouted back at you every once in a while.

"WAIT!! AH!" He laughed as you reached around the buncker, eventually getting the huge man into your sights as your fingertips glowed blue and the rope came to life, slideing across the floor and spiraling around his legs as he tripped and fell, laughing his head off as you landed on top of the younger winchester, laughing along with him as you plucked the fifty from his loose grip, giving into your pursuit.

"You've really got that scholiast magic down don't you?" He asked as you flipped over him, landing on your feet, as he was still tangled in the rope on the floor, the two of you smiling at one another.

"Well, you did help quite a bit!" You smiled, leaning down and brushing his shoulder where the fabric was wrinkled.

"Hey, what are friends for?" He asked, holding up a hand for you to help him up as Dean busted through the door, fighting to get it closed again as the winds whipped up around him, hair compleatly out of wack.

He looked down at the two of you, Sam tied up in knots, your socked feet, the two of you sweating and bree thing hard, clothes askew and the fifty bucks in your hand, the tow of you smileing wildly at him as he averted his eyes.

"What did I just walk into?" He asked himself more than the two of us as he turned around, dropping the two bags on the ground and opening back up the door, fighting out into the wind.

"Okay, let me go." Sam whined from the floor after the two of us stopped laughing our heads off on the ground, his legs and arms still wrapped in rope.

"Well..." you said, sitting up and pulling another smile up on your lips as he frowned suspiciously, with very good reason.

You slid a hand into his pocket, retrieving the wallet that layed withing and pulling out an extra seventy doller from his wallet as he widened his eyes.

"You wouldnt..." he glaired, keeping in a bark of laughter.

"I would," you said standing to your feet, moving a few feet away into the kitchen from where you laid in the communications room, dropping a knife onto the ground as he gaped incredulously at you as you shrugged innocently, walking around the corner but sticking your head back around to see him stareing, "oh, and I totally knocked over the tree." You smiled and turned the corner and walked twords the garage.

"I'm going to the store, want anything!" You shouted, stopping while still in earshot of the Winchester.

"Ya, a better best friend!" You could hear the smile in his voice as you prepared to run. You snapped your fingers and heard a gasp and a crazed laugh comming twords you as you saw the Winchesters shadow comming up the hall.

"Catch me if you can Moose!" You squealed as you ran down the hall, his foot steps pounding behind you.

"Oh, it's ON!"

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