In the End (EndOfShow)

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OKAY, I know the world is going to hate me for writeing this, but if it has to end I want it to end this way. I want it to be beautiful, and sweet, every bit of heart ache that the brothers experienced returned in their last moments with Cas and end just like this, enjoy!!


They were surrounded, no where left to go. Demons, shifters, vamps, windigoes, everything hell forsaken on the earth.

They were trapped.

So, Cas, Dean, And Sam all stood back to back, their free hands grasping one another and all of them were together one last time.

They were going to die.

And even though they always said, never give up, today was the day they settle for together.

Winning wasn't important.

Sam, who would do anything for his family, no matter the cost. This was his life and he had been preparing for the end since it all began.

Dean, who lived for his family. It never ends in blood, dosen't start there either, and he loved every bit. He wasn't afraid to die, as long as they were together.

Cas, their angel. He was free and never would have asked it any other way. To die by the side of his friends, his family, his brothers.

"I love you." They all said, holding tight as they closed their eyes greeting death for a final time.


"Sammy?" Dean asked, looking to his side, his brother sitting in the Impala just where he always was, smiling brightly as Cas leaned forward from the back.

"Where are we?" Sam asked as the three brothers climbed from baby and Dean looked on in disbelief.

"Home." He whispered walking forward into the bunker where his parents were there to greet them, Bobby and Charlie, Jo and Ellen, Rufus, Anna, Adam (they saved adam btw), Gabe, Balthazar, Kevin and Ms. Tran, even Crowley. In heaven, waiting for them.

The three brothers walked in hand in hand as Dean looked back out the door at his baby.

You carried on my wayward son's

He placed his free hand on the door nob.

There is peace now we are done

He looks to the left, seeing God smiling back at him brightly and Dean returns the favor as he swings the door shut.

Laid their weary heads to rest

The shot zooms out, god is gone, the Impala sits alone in the driveway to the bunker as it continues to zoom back and you can hear in the background the sounds of team free will together again.

Don't gotta cry no more.

The scene goes black, has following images and subtitles with Carry on my Wayward Son playing in the background.

The scene goes black, has following images and subtitles with Carry on my Wayward Son playing in the background

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