You are My Sunshine (SamXReader)

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The kids song put to a Sam love story, enjoy!


Sam ran to you, the sky as bright as ever as you lay motionless on the ground, your eyes hazy, your mind waining.

You were dieing.

And as the demon ran away that had stabbed you Sam shot him with the colt and didn't bother to watch, he knew he was dead.

"Y/n, y/n, hey! Look at me, in the eye!" He said, trying to keep your focus as your eyes wandered to the clear sky above the two of you.

He smiled down at you and for a second you believed you would be okay.

Then you saw the silvery tears that were drifting in his eyes and you knew that this was it.

You were going to die and Sam was going to be alone all over again.


Two months before...

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." The sweet voice of a young girl floated throughout the halls as you stepped lightly. You knew the little girl was here.

She couldn't hide from her.

As you stepped into the room, a wisp of a figure stood in a white gown infront of the window, a little girl standing behind her as her hands shook, but her voice stood strong.

"You make me happy, when sky's are gray." She sang as tears fell off her cheeks and stung the slashes across her shoulders.

"You never know dear, how much I love you." The Ghost turned around, looking at you calmly even as you held the lighter in your hands, the knife you intended to sink into the child's chest standing steady in your other.

"Please don't take..." the girl whispered, her voice wavering as the ghost nodded, your hand sliding behind the little girl who didn't know you were there.

"My Sunshine away."

The blood spattered knife fell to the ground from your hand, the ghost disapateing into space as you dropped to your knees.

You had just killed your little sister and let your mother leave to the beyond, she was tied to her. Only left in control if your little sister sang.

There was nothing left for you, and you dragged your dazed body to the window of the third story house. You looked out from your long abandoned childhood room and raised a gun to your head.

"Wait." A voice said from behind you, a mans, low and husky, rough like ha had been crying, soft like he could be anything you needed to be.

"Don't do this."

"Why?" You asked, your hand shakeing and no tears could fall from your eyes, "it's all gone. I'm alone, I can't be alone, never again." You whisper, your voice shakeing as you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder and flinch ever so slightly, but not pulling away.

"Trust me, this isn't the way to go."

"An how would you know?" You asked, your gun now pointed at the bottom of your chin as your lips quivered.

"That ghost? Your mother? She killed my brother. No more than two days ago, so I know how it feels, don't tell me otherwise." He said, his voice harsh and twisted as you cocked the pistol.

"So you put that down or hell, I'm gonna have to shoot myself too. I can't bare to think that someone else lost everything and I couldn't do a thing to save them." He said, his hand gripping your shoulder ever tighter as you can't bare it.

You drop the pistol and turn around, leaning into the man behind you as you finally could cry.

That man's name was Sam Winchester and that night you saved eachother life.

And now the both of you were going to be alone all over again.

Sam looked down at you, your blood staining his arms as he held the wound on your stomach.

And he held your hand as you struggled to speak.

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when sky's are gray, you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." You sang, squeezing his hand tightly until you couldn't make it move any more and your final breath passed between your lips.

Sam held your hand even after you let go and sang in a voice like an angels just for you as you watched the reaper hold out his hand to take you away you could still hear his voice, gentle and smooth.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

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