The Gender Bender (OC'sXWinchesters)

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Bello!! This is a request from my BFF as our OC's with their BF's enjoy!!!!


"OH MY DAD!!!!!!" I shot up out of bed, almost impaling myself with the knife under my pillow.

"WHAT, WHA-!!!" I cried, jumping down off of the bed with a start, pointing the blade in my hand at the man standing infront of me. It took me a minute to fully wake up and by then I realized that he was wearing women's shorts and a bra. "What the hell?" He stared at me, crossing his arms as I was startled. I had a man's voice.

"Your telling me... you should see the guys, well... girls." I raised an eyebrow in suspicion as I looked down at myself in the clothes I had fallen asleep in last night, only being streamed out by a dude that was also me.

"Well, this is weird." I stated in a low gravely voice. The man in front of me, who I guess was Veridion, led me out into the hall.

"Yeah, no kidding..." A higher female voice came from around the bunker's corner as a medium height girl came around in an oversized t-shirt and flannel pants. The only reason I recognized her as Dean was because of the scar down the side of her arm from the Mark of Cain.

"Well then. Um, Dean?"

"Katlyne?" I nodded, looking over at Veridion and sighing.

"This was that witch bitch wasn't it?"

"I'd suspect so." A taller woman stepped around the corner, wrapped in an oversized plaid shirt and jeans. Veridion let out a bark of laughter as she shook out her medium length brown hair, rubbing the sleep out of her muddied green eyes simultaneously. "What are you laughing at?" She asked, planting a finger square on his chest.

"Nothing, just the fact that I'm finally taller Samantha." The girl rolled her eyes as Veridion place one of his large hands on top of her shoulder and looked clear over her head. "I mean, this is amazing, you get to be tall like this all of the time, this is awsome!" Sam reached up and pulled a blue hair out of Veridion's mohawk.

"How is your hair still blue?"

"Because I have talent."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, grabbing Dean by the arm and pulling him away from the bickering couple.

"Hey Dean, so when do you think this is gonna wear off?" She shrugged her shoulders, swiping a piece of her curly golden hair out of her face, the emerald green of her eyes.

"Maybe if we find a reversal in the library but we killed her, no going back in that sense..." I sighed as she ran a hand up my back.

"Well this is weird..."

"No question..." she hugged me before walking away and waving from down the hall. Well, this was gonna be a long day.

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