Little Ms. Winchester pt.2

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I was told to write this as a book, but trying out a part 2 first to be sure!! Btw, I always do shout outs in my books, so if this does end up on my publishing list, then I'll promote everyone who supports it, especially British_Bullet who suggested it in the first place. Also, nother shout out to album_covers, I LOVE YOUR SUPERNATURAL IMAGINES BOOK!!! Please keep writeing, your stories actually inspired this one so I really hope you can enjoy it and check out my other stories.


You sit in the parking lot of the church, waiting for the people to leave on that Sunday morning. It had been a day since you had busted up the Winchester's and you were hunting down some ingredients for your portal back to hell. After all, daddy and you were having some issues.

The church bell rang, and just like an old movie, all the old people in their Sunday best came scampering out of the church with their little hats and purses.

It really made you sick.

But, honestly, they didn't matter. You were waiting for the prize at the end of the tunnel.

The pastor.

And he was right there to do your bidding.

You slammed the door shut of the Impala, the crack of the door alarming the pastor who was waving goodbye to his congregation.

"Hello young lady." He said, supplying an all so fake grin to add to the lie of his sinless aura. "May I help you seek the lord?" He questioned kindly, although you could hear the hostility in his words just from what he could see.

Although, he was right. You were a lost cause. At least, that's what daddy always said.

And you were daddy's little bitch.

"Yes sir, you can. I just wish to ask you one thing?" You questioned innocently, spinning the blade in your sleave.

"Anything my dear, just ask and it is yours." He said, the grin growing ever wider.



Sam and Deans POV...

"She's your little sister boys, I'm telling you. No demon of mine is that sadistic." He refered to Dean's shoulder as Sam worked on the bandaging they would have to make due with tell they saw Cas.

"So let me get this straight." Dean mumbled.

"Me and Sammy, grow up without ever hearing a whisper about this chick." Sam looked at him worriedly, with every word Dean's voice got a little more like a growl than a persons.

"Dad ditched her, and sold her over to you as what? Prepay for the best seats down under?"

"Well, funny thing, he made special care that the contract does what he says, I never knew my link of the deal." Crowley commented as Dean closed his eyes and continued with his thoughts.

"Okay, so dad sells little sis for magic resons riso the rat over here dosen't even know, but how?" He asked, the numbers not adding up in his head, "You said she's got our mom?"

"Did I not mention that?" He asked, quite agrivateingly.

With this moment of pause he stood, walked over to Dean, and straightened his jacket before turning around and preparing to leave.

"She's Moose's twin sister."


Readers POV...

As you stood over the pastor, the parking lot empty of all its cars but the Impala and his small truck. You laughed, his blood sticking your shoes to the ground as you prepared the entry into hell Crowley had made just for you.

" 'Ello sweetie. You miss papa?" You heard his voice behind you, the crisp, anoyingly accented voice you had come to despise.

"Hello Papa." You cooed, turning to see not one annoying bastard but three. "And might I ask what your up to with the gigantor and the slut?" You continued in the same soothed voice causeing them both to cringe to your enjoyment.

"Darling, there's something I've been hiding from you."

"Let me guess," you say sarcasticly, "I'm not a demon? *gasp* I never would have known."

"Your family is alive." He spoke, stopping your sarcasm effortlessly.

"Wh-?" You began but we're cut off by his hand raising to the air. No matter how hard you were on the outside, you always knew there was something inside that cried every time you felt blood on your hands. That part of you was shakeing right now and it showed.

"You have two fabulous brothers who protect the world from horrible things like you and me. One of them is tall and the other, well he is too. They have kind hearts and have to kill just like you. But, your eyes, bright emerald and green, are just like theirs." He said. No matter what he was Crowley, the king of hell, responsible for countless murders on his hands and yours as well, he cried.

He had to let his baby girl go, even if all he ever wanted was to be loved.

"Their names are Sam and Dean, one is the best big brother you could ever have, and the other beat you out by less than a minute." He said, laughing at the last part as you stood there confused and angry.

"And they are going to love you forever." He whispered, a small tear dropping to the ground.

He was gone.

"Hi," Dean said, walking forward ever so slightly. "I'm Dean, this is your brother Sammy." He said in a whisper.

"I'm y/full/n..." you echoed in the same tone.

"No," he said, an inch from you at most, "y/n Winchester."

Your brothers came in, hugging you tightly as you cried into Sammy's shoulder, the three of you together after all those years of being appart.

"Welcome home little sis." Sammy laughed into the top of your hair, it was just like his, only shorter.


You thought to yourself, after all this time, I knew something wasn't right... I've always been a Winchester.

Little Ms. Winchester.

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