How To Catch A Wishing Star

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Okay, I started writeing a Jensen Ackles fanfiction (I love Jarad too, but I could never see him without Jen so Jensen it is) it's called How To Catch A Wishing Star and I really hope you read it and enjoy. I started writeing it a long time ago and I just updated it after I pulled it out of the old Google Docs so read this promo and tell me if you likey.


"No, no. Season three was the best! You don't know what your talking about Shells, and I should know I-!" I cried as we walked down the streets of downtown Clarksville, Tennessee. My hand nearly frozen solid by the smoothie from yada yada yada in my hand.

Our conversation had been going strong for a while, discussing what was the best season of our favorite show. Right about here is when i, being clumsy me, ran over the poor guy.

I yelped, my arms flailing around as Shelly stood there in awe and I nearly broke my head open on the sidewalk.

Well, that is until the man whom I had ran into grabbed my waist and pulled me back up straight to safety.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I heard him ask. His voice familiar in my ears as I couldn't see him with my hair in the way.

"Ya, ya I'm fine. I've taken worse falls off the couch!" I laughed, brushing myself off and swiping the hair out of my eyes as I looked up to meet my prince charming.

"Are you sure?" He asked as I stared silently for about ten seconds before my mind processed what was happening.

"Oh ya," I said, a certain level of instinctual acting washing over me, "if anything I should be asking you. I've bulldozed people twice your size." I commented as he laughed slightly, a airy but deep laugh as the sides of his eyes crinkled into crows feet and he pushed his hands down into the pockets of his jeans in the cold winter weather.

"You know, I could ask for one thing to make it better..." he said as I shifted back and forth between my feet.

"Wait?" I asked, not wanting to hear this part quite yet. "Do I know you?" I asked as he looked at me kind of disapointed.

"Did you go to UT Knox?" I asked, pulling the hufflepuff striped scarf tighter around my throat.

"Ya, I did!" He said as I sighed internally and he smiled again.

"But, um, would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow night?" H see asked, his cheeks growing pink and showing off the freckles that dotted the skin under his forest green eyes as he swiped a few locks of golden hair from his forehead.

"Ya, that sounds great!" I chirped, handing him my business card as I worked at the Veterinary Clinic down the street.

"So, see you then?" He asked as I realized that Shelly's mouth was still hanging open.

"See ya." I said, smiling wide and walking away, to the door of a stair well and up to my and Shelly's appartment, slamming shut the door behind us.

"What just happened?" She asked as I slid to the ground, looking at the painting of Dean Winchester hanging over my desk.

I breathed heavily as my heart raced. "I just got asked on a date by Jensen Ackles."

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