Slumber Party (Winchester's and friends)

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This is a one shot with me and my best friend of we were best friends with the Winchester... btw Charlies in this one :)


"Guys, we're back!!" Haley shouted as the two of us ran in from the garage, leaving my motorcycle chained up against the Impala.

"Guys?" I shout as the two of us walk down the hall slowly.

"SNEAK ATTACK!" Dean shouted, jumping on Haley's back as Sam tackled  me.

Unfortunatly, the both of us were armed and turned around, weilding a knife and my angle blade as the brothers got back off of us in a rush to make sure we didn't gut them on accident.

"DEAN!!" I shout, dropping the knife and punching him in the chest playfully as my boyfriend picked me up by the waist. He spun around as I pounded playfully on his back as Haley leaned up against the wall, laughing her ass off with Sam.

"Okay, okay, put me down baby... come on," I whisper into his ear as I continue laughing so hard that I started to cry.

"Fine," he pouted, setting me down on the ground, kissing the tip of my nose.

The four of us started picking up the bags of food that we had dropped on the floor.

"How's Charlie?" I asked, brushing up against Dean's arm as we sat down the supplies for the night.

We all knew that thus sleep over was going to be epic, Dean promised and I would keep this on him if he didn't so we had anything and everything that you could want for this.

So basiclly, every junk food on the planet and pie. Lots of pie. And beer. Lots of beer.

"CHARLIE!!" Dean shouted as she came in, running down the hall and sliding into Sam in her socked feet.

"Ya!" She said, straightening her hair as I tossed her a bag which she opened in glee.

"You really got it?" She asked, eyes a glow as she looked mischievously as Sam and Dean.

"Braid train baby!" Sam shouted as the four of us pushed Dean into Charlie's room and started out the night with a braid train, Dean being the head of it and enjoying it way too much.

"I think that's enough flowers Dean," I laughed happily as he sat down behind me and started putting the daisies we bought in the French braid Sam had done down my back.

"Never, they bring out the blue in your eyes," he scoffed.

The two us sat there together for a while as his fingers crisscrossed across Haley's head, putting little rose buds in the crown braid that now wrapped around the top of her head, a few of the blue strands of her hair floating down in front of her face in smaller braids that tucked up behind her ear.

"Wow Sammy, your going all out!" I said as Charlie braided his hair into a ponytail that I can't deny looked good on him.

"Don't judge, it looks good," he smiled as the three of us girls started giggling as he asked if we had any lilacs for his hair.


The five of us all fell asleep on Charlie's floor except for Haley who had ended up on the bed, snuggling with Sam's left shoe... don't know how that happened in all honesty.

Charlie was upside down on a chair, Sam with his legs propped up on the bed beside Haley, Dean and I were on the floor, half under the bed , the other half of them under a pile of pillows from the bed.

"Katie." Dean whispered into my ear as I hummed showing him I was awake.

"I love you." He whispered, pecking your cheek as the flowers in my hair crinkled as I smiled.

"I love you too baby." I whispered back, kissing the tip of his ear.

"You wanna move this to under the bed?" I asked causeing him to laugh slightly as we slid under the bed to the smell of mixed flowers and cherry pie.

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