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Okay, I was reading some comments and it occurred to me, you igit! You've never introduced yourself in any of your writeing! Did I just type in a Bobbyish maner? Well, I guess that's how I think now, XD. Well, I wanted to tell you some things about me that might shock you (jokeing, I'm boring people, very boring...) so here it is.

Full Name: Katie Ma******* Di*** (didn't want to disclose full name on the internet)

Now, this is the only one that might supprise people. I go by Katlyne in all my fanfiction and books but my real name it Katie. Not shortened for anything, just Katie.

Age: 14 in August of 2017.
Birthday: August 4
Grade: 8th, freshman in the fall of 2017
Favorite color: periwinkle
Eye color: blue
Hair color: dirty blond
Height: 5' 7"
Hogwarts house: huffle puff
Ilvermorny house: pukwudgie
Godly parent: Pluto
Relationship status: single (wink wink)
Best friend who's a girl: Haley aka Legands of Olympus
Best guy friend: Declan D. (No watt pad a count I know of. Might hide it incase I embarrass him.)

I think that's about it...

Oh, and I put a picture of me up top if you want to look at it, nothing special, but I thought you might want to see it so every time I go on a ramble you know what to imagine. Thanks for reading!

See you on the flip side dudes!

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