Listen (CasXReader)

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A/n HI everyone, haven't posted in a while, trying to get back on top of it swears!! Have a Cas fluff to make yourself feel better.


The sun shone over the river, sparkling with the wind as it washed over the edges of the bank in the breeze. It was beautiful, a elegant as a diomand, as wild as the sea, as blue as the sky's above. What made it so much better though, was the man out in its center sitting on a rock. He wore a tan trenchcoat, dirtied by mud and crimson stains. A blue tie and dirty dress shirt that one day was white underneath. His unshaven face had flakes of a five o'clock shadow going on them in the morning light as he watched the river roll.

"Hello y/n." He stated. Not even a hesitation, he just knew I was there.

"Castiel." I responded, taking a seat next to him on the bolder in the middle of the river. The water lapped around the edges as we sat and watched it churn. "I thought you were dead..." I whispered, looking down at my hands as I thought of the boys, how they wondered whereIwasright then.

"I was." He continued to watch the river as it rose and fell, it's roar filling my ears.

"And you never thought to come to us when you returned?" I questioned, tears in my eyes.

"You were the first person I called, the first person I wanted to see." He whispered, turning to face me so I could hear his voice over the raging of the waters. "You will always be the first person I call y/n, always." He whispered. I closed my eyes, blinked for just a fraction of a second but it felt like eternity. When they opened, the waters were still, and Cas sat in front of me, down on one knee. The waters surface glowed around him in the light. "Can I trust you to always be there?" He asked. I nodded, my heart pounding so hard I could hear my pulse in my ears. And I cried, oh I cried like never before, the only times ever harder when I watched him die.

And from then on, I could see it, my life could be forever changed, all by one word, one simple word. All he had to do was listen.


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