Before He Cheats (Reader Brake up)

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I wanted to write a break up between Dean's best friend and random guy #1, enjoy!



_____, are you okay?" Dean asked as you looked at your door worriedly. He could hear you crying inside your room no matter how quietly you tried to.

"I know your crying, I will break down this door!" He shouted as you turned up the music in your room so he couldn't hear a word.

"Shut up and get lost ass hat!" You shouted through the door even though you didn't mean it.

"I'm gonna count to three!" He shouted over your music as you waited.

"One! Two! Three!" He shouted as you heard a loud crack at the door. You stood, walking over and seeing Dean on the ground holding his arm as you leaned on the door frame and smirked.

"Reinforced steel door, you helped me install it dumb ass." You stated as he rolled onto his back.

"Thought it was gonna be open..."

"I know, I like seeing you in pain." You dragged him to his feet, opening the door wider so the two of you could walk in side by side as you dried your blood shot eyes and turned down the music.

"Matthew cheated on me, said that you and I were too close. I was either gonna have to never speak to you again or move out... he gave me a week, but apparently he couldn't wait that long." You whispered, looking down at your hands.

"That son of a bitch... he's gonna get what's coming to him _____ I swear!"

"Well, we gotta do this fun don't we?" You asked, a smile growing on your lips as you looked at the slugger above  your bed crossed with an axe.

"Let's do it right."


As you walked up to the pristine red jeep infront of the bar you sun on your headphones and smiled down your nose as it.

You started to play your favorite song to go dark to, just perfect  for this occasion.

"Right now, he's probobly slow dancing with a bleach blond tramp and she's probobly getting frisky."

You pulled out your key ring and a short handled bowie knife as Dean held your slugger over his shoulder, a couple daggers in Sam's hand.

"Right now he's probobly buying her some fruity little drink cause she can't shoot whiskey. Right now he's probobly up behind her with a pool stick showing her how to shoot a combo.

But he don't know.

I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up four wheel drive."

Me and Dean ran around the car scratching into his car, fuck you, you bitch, the normal.

"Carved my name into his leather seats."

You slashed your name into every one of the black upholstered seats telling him you hope your happy.

"Took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all four tires."

You and Sam took turns slamming into the headlights, crossing your blades into three of his tires leaving the last to taunt him.

"Maybe next time you'll think before he cheats..."

You and your boys walked into the bar, looking at Matthew and his bimbo at the pool table as you shouted over to him, his heart sinking to see you there.

"Your not the only one who can cheat you dick!" You shouted, pulling Sam over your shoulder by his collar and giving him a heavy, rough one on his lips.

"Wanted to do that for years..." you told him and he knew it, and you ment it too.

"Well, how about that..." he grinned, kissing you again.

"Right now she's probobly up singing some white trash version of Shania Kerioke. Right now, she's probobly saying I'm drunk and he's thinking that he gonna get lucky. Right now he's probobly dabbing on three dollers worth of that bathroom cologne... well and he don't know!"

We ran out to his car, Dean holding him back as me and Sam traded wepon's as Matthew looked on in horror.

"That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up four wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats, took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all four tires! Maybe next time hell think before he cheats..." Sammy and I went back and forth, denting in the hood, carving out the leather in his seats.

And as Matthew fell down on his knees screaming he was going to sue, I stood infront of him with my hand just wanting to throttle his neck.

"Don't look for me or next time, that car will. Be. You." I said, turning on my heal with Sammy on my arm, Dean behind my back.

"Oh, maybe next time hell think before he cheats."

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