Anything (SamXreader)

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Okay, so I was just thinking and this came to mind.

A little bit of back ground, this character is responsible for the severe injury of Sam. She has telepathic abilities like Sam, allowing them to share a mental link. I think that's just about it. Enjoy!


As you sat up in the bed, sweat dripping down your lips as you looked around wild eyed in the room once again that night. Three dreams. Horrible dreams for each of the people in this world you loved, and the only ones that loved you. Sam, Dean, and Castel. Your family, your friends, everything. And for the fifth night in a row your mind had congered horrible deaths for them all, ones that left you dazed and delirious for hours. Alone. And no matter how many looks you got from Dean, the questions that Sam asked you (even in his persistence) or Castel's worry that over came his emotions whenever he saw you, you would never tell a soul. Every night you watched them die, at your hand.

Even though you didn't want to your mind drifted away once more, something pulling you into sleep more than your own mind. You fault it for a bit but finally let go and fell into a deep sleep.


"Y/n?" You felt the slight jar from a hand placed square on your shoulder, only a tiny amount of force placed as it's commander rocked your shoulder gently, waking you from the sleepless night you now called rest. Even without thinking about the voice you knew it to be Sam. He always was gentle with you. Always.

"Hey..." you replied, smileing up as you pulled shut your eyes realizing that he was holding a flashlight as you then proceeded to frown. You sat up as he moved to the foot of your bed, sitting down and looking at you with worry as you rubbed your eyes, accustoming them to the light he held in his hand. "Wha..." You started, looking down at the younger Winchesters other hand that contained a small slip of paper. Nothing special, but curious all the same.

"Come on," he said, standing up and walking off to the door, his hand gliding across the high desk top next to it in your bunker room. You smiled, remembering getting that desk from the storage in the bottom of the bunker. How you had forced Dean to hall it up the stairs as you and Sam laughed to yourselves as he complained about Cas and how he could have just zapped it up the stairs. That and a couple of things about us being little shits, which honestly only made you laugh harder.

Anyway, Sam pulled his hand twords him, gesturing for you to follow him. As you rolled your eyes you could see the smile parting his lips ever so slightly as you tiptoed past Dean's room and ran up the stairs two at a time. You reached the top of the scafolting, Sam now smileing wide as you suspiciously looked at him as he clutched the latch to the door.

"You ready?" He asked, you looking at him sarcasticly before even comming up with a response.

"How? I don't even know what's happening?" You accused, jabbing a finger into his chest which met up with your eyelevel, a smile pulling at your lips as you felt a hot red tinge grow on your cheeks in the dark as you thought about every little bit of playfulness he had shone you and how much you adored the younger Winchester, even though you would never admit it. Never.

"Just..." he held out a hand to you, the empty one that once held the flashlight which you just realized had gone from your view. "Trust me." You grasped his hand, your nimble fingers intertwined with his callased ones as he pulled you out the door into the night.

You could feel the air being pulled from your lungs as he pulled you tight. You looked around at the simply beautiful scene around you as it all came into focus. An old tree was set in the concrete, dim lights draped from its limbs, underneath it a table. He continued holding your hand as the two of you sat at the small table and he smiled down at you, pulling a switch on his side as all the lights old the tree faded into nothingness. And he pointed you up to the stars. Each one beautiful and bright, all the colors in the world pained in the sky. And it felt like they were just for you.

"I noticed you've been off lately..."  he whispered as you stared longingly into the heavens, watching the world shift above you. "I thought that you might want something to... you know..."

"Cheer me up?" You asked, the light tinge of red in your cheeks growing stronger as the words left your lips, deserving a chuckle from Sam as he sat beside you, hand still clasped around yours. He looked to you, sorrow and happiness all mixed in his deep hazel eyes as you stared longingly into them.

"I love you." He whispered, so close you could feel the sweetness of the words on your very skin as you listened. "And I always will."

"I love you too..."  you whispered, holding your breath as he smiled into the inbraced with every part of him enjoying the moment.

"Just promise me something okay?" He asked, now drawing back ever so slightly as your mind filled with worry. Did you do something wrong?

He looked down, almost in shame as you lifted his eyes to meet yours, two perfect pairs opening a window to the soul that was so beautiful and tormenting to see.

"Anything..." you whispered, feeling his other hand venture to the two still intertwined.

"Wake up."


You stiffed in the bed, pulling in a sharp breath as you shot up, the tears that alluded you in the feverish dream now streaming from your eyes as You heard the rapid footsteps of Dean Winchester down the hall.

"What! What's happening!" He shouted, more worried than angry, but the loudness of his voice was enough to make you burry your face in your hands as he walked twords you. The stubble across his face and the clothes he wore all showed his dealing with the situation at hand in present. He haf been with Sam all night again you bet.

"How... how is he?" You asked, not looking up from you position, even as uou could feel him sit on the bed.

"*sigh* Better... hes gonna be fine, i promise." He said. All yiu wanted to do was comfort the older Winchester. Sam could have died, and it was your fault. But even now you couldn't bring yourself to look into his eyes. The ones just like his brothers. And suddenly they weren't his eyes but Sammy's. The loving mischievous eyes of your Winchester. The one who was dieing and there was nothing you could do. And this only made you cry harder. Silent tears, not sobbs, but crying none the less.

He saw there was nothing he could do for you, and in turn left you to yourself after your tears stopped. As you took your head from your hand suddenly a small weight was felt in your other one and you looked down to see a precisely folded sheet of paper. Small and inconspicuous but intresting all the same. As you pulled the paper open gently you read the words, holding back a smile as you recognized the scrawl across the page written in his delicate hand.

Though the dark may break
And the earth may shake
I stand tall
For you
And in this world
Of dark and light
I'll never
Be enough for you
So with my words
I pledge to do
For you
It is true
That I will always love you.

Happy birthday,
Love Sammy.

As you read the lines you smiled to yourself.

"You remebered." You whispered. He was still there, inside you. No matter how bad it got, at least he could still hear you. And he was going to be okay.

"I love you."

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