Darker Dreams pt 2

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Hey yall,

I wrote this imagine a long time ago. Hope you like part 2. Btw, thanks to AvereyPhillips for adding my book Beggining's to her supernatural book list, check out her set and stuff!! Love ya hunters and huntresses!!!


"Hi, I'm Agent Sherly, I'm here to research on the Phillips double suicide?" You speak in a high tone, trying to sound happy as you walk into the police department in Lubec Maine. Ever since you left Dean in Michigan you had been hunting, leaving the Winchester's to find eachother.

You never knew this, but a day after you left Sam came forward and the brothers went at it. They were together again, but something to the two was never the same since you left.

That is, till you both went on a haunting case in Maine.

"Yes, your partners are already here mam." The police officer named Dave said, your eyes widening as you worried that you were gonna be busted.

That is till you saw the tops of the other two agents head and you visible tensed twice as much.

"Agents Dowel and Smith, your partner is here." Officer Dave said cheerfully as the brothers turned around to see you.

"Glad to see you here boys..." you said sheepishly as both brothers gaped at you.


"Y/n! Why, what? Your hunting?!" Sam questioned as you got outside and you pulled off your blazer to replace it with your leather jacket.

"Maybe, depends if I can get away with saying no... would he buy that?" You ask, pointing your question to Dean as you frowned uncomfortably.

"How, when did this happen." Sam asked, now more calm than before.

Dean and you looked between eachother for roughly about ten seconds before you shook your head, holding up your hands, and got inside of the front of your 82' ford truck.

As you sat inside, slamming your head onto the steering wheel while the brothers argued on your tailgate, you thought about how damn stupid you had been, this was a higher risk case and you knew it, plastered all over the papers and way out of your district.

But ofcourse, you came up here anyway from Alabama, just to check it out.

After a while you felt a bruise start to for on your forehead and you stopped, finding Dean Winchester looking in your window.

"Hi." You said casually through tightened lips.

"Hi." He replied as the two of you looked between eachother and Sammy who stood behind him looking at you angrily.

"Hi ya Sams, how's the family?" You asked quietly as he walked around the front, getting in the front seat, Dean in the back, and the two of them finally coaxed you into driveing track to your motel and staying there.

Well, at least they thought so.

Unless you've missed somethong, this was a simple sat and burn and those ass hats wern't getting in your way because of, what? YOU WERE A GIRL!?! That thought in itself just infuriated you.

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