Broke Me (Dean brake up)

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Even though I love Dean Winchester, like I would marry him if I could... sorry off track, but we all know Dean can go too far so I wanted to write a Dean and reader break up scene. Enjoy.


"Y/n, I'm sorry! Please take me back!" Dean called down the hallway as you went into your room, tossing your belongings into your hunting duffle.

"You know what Dean?"You ask turning to him where he stood in your door way trying to keep you from leaving.

"What?" He asked excitedly as you took a deep breath.

"Suck it!" You shouted, slaming your hand into his cheek as he stumbled backwards.

"Y/n, please! I-"

"You what?" You shout into his face, a knife drawn from its sheath on your belt.
"You love me? Just like you love that hussie you slept with?" You shouted, tracing a line on his neck tempted to end him right there.

"You..." he whispered, Sam comming up behind you and resting a hand on your shoulder.

"Just go y/n/n." He said as you turned around, hugging the youngest Winchester and looking back at Dean coldly.

"Don't call jack ass." You whisper, running out the door and jumping on your motorcycle you had kept for the past five years you had been roaming the world with the Winchesters.

"Just you and me Lee." You whisper to your bike as you drive out onto the road, the tears in your eyes slicing your cheeks as you hummed the only song you could think of.

"I'm on the highway to hell, the highway to hell." You sang, your tears comming harder and stronger. You couldn't help it, nothing could save you now.

As you cried, you swerved across the road, not caring anymore weather you lived or died.

Fate, a horrible thing that concurs the best of us at the very end of our lives. Yours just happened to be at the front of a truck.

And even as you laid on the ground, your body aching, your tears dried, all you wanted was Sam, your bestfriend, to get a real goodbye.

So as your reaper stood above you, telling you it was time to go, you stood, eyes dry, mind clear, and streached out your hand.

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