Flowers do Bloom (SamXReader)

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HEY YALL!! I know I haven't been writing a lot recently but I have my reasons. I do apologize and I'll try to get back in a groove. Here's a SamXReader for your enjoyment!


"Hold your breath, if for even just one moment, hold it so that the smell of the flowers in the air will never go away." You pulled the flower away from Sam's nose in the frigid air. Somehow he had managed to find a single blue bell blossoming in the winter snow. You both stood outside of the bunker, waiting for Dean to return from a case he had gone on alone. "Their unique scent, their marvelous whiff that will never come again. Something special, something the world will never see again and you are lucky enough to hold it inside of you for the rest of your life." Sam held his eyes closed still, smiling to himself at your little experiment.

"Y/n, what are we doing?" He asked, shifting feet while still holding the stupid grin on his face. You leaned in, whispering into his ear ever so gently.

"Something so special, you will hold onto it forever." You could feel the shiver run down his arms as the words drifted into his ear, tickling the edges, teasing his senses. "Just you." He leaned forward, hands sliding up your arms as you stifled your breath for just a moment, to make this last forever.

"What are you doing?" He asked again, this time his voice tickling your skin, lips inches from your neck. Tempting and precious.

"Holding onto a mirracle. If flowers can bloom then..." you paused, his hands moving up to your shoulders and suddenly in the winter air, you wern't cold any more. "I can kiss you."

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