Famous (Supernatural Crew)

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Okay, I'm writeing this as if the reader just became part of the supernatural cast and is taken into the wonderfully weird and wacky antics of Jarad, Jenses, Misha, Mark, Rob, Rich, and the whole gang! Enjoy!


"Here's your trailer, the studios over there, and here's the directory and call sheet for the day..." the guide went on, handing you a packet at least as thick as the grapes of wrath.

"Th, thanks." You greeted, shakeing the hand of the man who had shown you around, preparing to go into the trailer but not before returning to the man infront of you, "oh, um, what's your name?" You ask timidly as the man of about forty looked up at you, smileing kindly before answering.

"Lukas, Lukas Milled. And if there's anything you need, just ask me. I'd be glad to help you out." He smiled once more as you turned finally to your trailer, Lukas turning away and the two of you going about your business for the day.

Today was your first day of your new career, acting. And on no other show but Supernatural.

According to your friends it was a very popular series, on for many years, and you would be perfect for the new role they had. Dean Winchester's best friend. You were 36 years old, very nervice, 5 foot 10 and you had very very bright blond hair.

You came into the trailer and automatically you could tell that this was to flashy for you. Slowly closeing the door behind you, you went to work.

Around an hour later you had finished and it finally looked like home. A few pictures hung on the walls, images of your friends and family, every person you loved in the world. Instead of the lavish couches and chairs that had been inside the room, all shoved to the corner, and in their place a wooden stool, a desk to match, and a set of drawers all that you needed in the room to make you feel safe. Make you feel at home. And then you saw the time.

Oh. Crap.

You had about half a minute to get back to the shooting set for today.


"I'M HERE!!" You shouted, running into the room, the lights and set distracting you for a split second as you saw a man standing infront of you, arms crossed as he watched you run up.

"Where have you been?" He asked strictly, holding up a hand to you as you began to speak. "Wait hold it, you lost track of time?" He asked, pure understanding in his voice.

"Ya..." you sighed. He smiled and looked down at you as you finally realized who it was. "Y, your, your Jarad Padalecki." You stammered, so astonished to meet him in this situation. You looked up at him, your mouth hanging open as you followed him as he started to walk off.

"Ha, ya. Glad to meet you, you must be the new recruit. Y/n, right?" He asked as you as you looked up at him relieved as he took you to a group of stylists who sat you down in a chair, messing with my face and hair.

"Ya, um, hi." You said, smileing ackwardly as he sat down next to you. You looked up at the people swarming around you, yet he looked so natural. "Don't you think this is a little, I don't know, weird?" You asked gesturing to all the people around you with cosmetics.

"You get used to it..." he sighed, holding in a laugh as the two of you finished up and went to the set. The scene you had was just with you, Jarad, and Misha.

"So, you must be y/n." Misha exclaimed as you met up. He held uo a hand and you took it reluctantly as you smiled shyly.

"Yup, thats me, ha." You said, looking at him and biteing lip as he cocked his head. The three of you looked over the script to make sure you had the scene down.

"A, and, this is all we have for today?" You asked, the two actors looking between eachother as the cameras started rolling.



As you walked out infront of Jared looking to Misha who stood infront, the argument they had just started in the scene getting to the more intense of the parts.

"Cas, that's enough!" You shouted, looking at the man infront of you as of now you could only see as the angel, the man behind you, your friend, and that the only thing you knew how to do was protect him. You were your character. You were Jen Mitchell, and this was when you said enough.

"He has yet to pay for his mistakes. He. Must. Suffer." Cas exclaimed, the force in his voice emotion enough to frighten you down to your core.

"Not this time. This stops now." You took a few steps twords him as you heard the quiet whisper of the director as he was questioned about what you were doing, but you didn't care, you were too far in. "So leave him down Cas, walk away, now is not the time." You growled, getting withing an inch of his face as the stone cold angel peered into your heart, your soul.

"One day judgement will fall on him Jen." He said, turning his back to you as your stare continued on his back, "and you won't be here to save him."

"Cut!" You heard the director call from behind the camera. "That was..." he began as you nervously awaited the results of your first days work that had taken longer to record than expected, "beautiful! I loved your free spirit at the end, almost like Jensen's spirit jumped right inside of you!" He cried as you felt the bead of persperation fall off your cheek and Jarad walked up behind you, patting you on the back. You had done it.

"Is this the first time?" Jarad asked as the two of you walked out of the building, not even realizing until you both were half way to your trailers.

"Huh? Oh, acting? Ya, well unless you count the senior play in highschool. Nope." He sighed in amazement as you walked up the small stairs to your trailer and fumbled for the key for a few minutes before finding the right one.

"I can't believe it. You were great! It's hard to believe you have nearly no experience!" You shruged as you both walked into the trailer.

"I just, you know, come alive. Well, that's what my friends say... when I get deep in, it's hard to fish me back out, I, I try to keep it down though... from what I'm told I can get pretty intense." You said letting out an ackward laugh as Jarad pulled a chair from the corner, fishing a beanie from his pocket and slideing it on as you sat on the stool infront of your desk. After a moment of silence, not ackwardly but silence all the same, Jarad looked out the window at the darkening sky.

"Hey, have you met Jensen yet?" He asked curiously as you shook your head no as you were eager to.

"I have an idea..." he smirked to himself, "you like pranks?"



Okay, so I plan to make a second chapter of this, but I need to write on my fanfiction and didn't want to keep it to myself. Feel free to enjoy writeing me comments. Also (free self publisity!!! Read my fanfiction series!!! The first book is called Beggining's. I'd love you forever if you did!)

Arevadarchi brochacos *I'm writeing this at one in the morning so of I sound drunk, I'm not* night!

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