The Tricksters (ps, your gonna cry)

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When your up at 12 and your getting up at 4 and you wanted to write, first idea I got. Love yall!!


It was the first day of spring, a spring in your step (how punny) as you walked into the bunkers kitchen at two in the morning to find a very drunk Dean fast asleep on the coffee table. He snored heavily as the lights dimmed by your hand and you just decided (hehehe) to leave a note beside him from several days earlier.

Muhahaha, Gabriel had taught you well...


Later that morning Dean awoke to the note beside him that you had left.

Dear Dean, I took baby. Couldn't bother to wake you up but I bought you pie. Love your favorite sibling, y/n.

"Well... I won't kill her today." He grumbled, standing up and getting the pie from the freezer. He looked over it with his hung over eyes and began to eat the red pie that ended up staining his face compleatly as you watched in amusement from your hiding place.

"What?" You asked as you saw Sam walk up behind you and start to shake his head in disappointment.

"This is going to end bloody y/n... prepare warning, prank wars never end here..."

You really should have taken his advice.

"Y/n!!!" You heard Dean shout from the bathroom later that day. He chased you around for a while, but the worst was yet to come.


"Okay, simple in out, salt and burn." Dean chorased from the driver's seat of the Impala as you laid back, half asleep in the backseat with your feet on them.

Dean kept telling you to move them but then you would ask if you could borrow the stick up his ass first and he would stop.

"Ya, ya... let's get this over with!" You shouted, grabbing the rock salt shells and jamming them into your automatic before shoving your lighter into your pocket.

"Y/n, wait. You've been being way to careless recently." Sam began to call as you glaired at him out of the corner of your eye and went in without them.

"Y/n!" You heard Dean shout from the door as you walked in with your flashlight flickering.

Your mind went still, your arms stiff.

"Somethin' don't smell right..." you whispered to yourself as you heard... well, you heard noting.

The house had become compleatly silent except for your now seeing breath.

Sam and Dean's foot steps were no where to be found. Neither called your name. No thud of a falling body, no sign of life.

Like you were all alone.

"This isn't funny guys!" You shouted into the celing, realizing that this must not really be a hunt.

"Dean! Stop it it's not funny!!" You shouted again, your breath heavier as you looked back and forth down the halls.

"Sam?" You asked, fear creeping into your voice, "Dean..." Your voice cracked. Your knees shook.

You never would have noticed before but you realized just how young you were.

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