If I Die (ReaderXRescue)

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I sat in the middle of the field, my fingers chilled to the bone as I watched the moon float across the sky.

It was freezing in the middle of night as the dew laced my eyelashes and I could still hear them yelling, why don't you just die, I could still feel the stinging on my arms where I invited the pain.

And the shouting in my head, your not good enough, no one would care if you just disappeared if you just died, no one would ever know, no one would ever look for you.

You would just be a burden lifted from our shoulders.

I laughed bitterly and but my lip till I tasted blood.

"Just let me freeze." I begged the sky as I watched the snow start to fall.

"I cant take it, just let me die." And I sat there till I heard foot steps comming near me and I hoped it to be death.

"Hi there sweety, who are you?" The male voice asked as I shivered in the tall grass. I shook as I turned around to see a pistol loaded hanging in his hand and I almost begged him to shoot me.

"No one. I'm no one." I responded, burrowing my head into my knees and tried my hardest to just die right there. Just to stop the pain.

"Your not going out on me that easily." He said bending over and picking my limp, freezing body up and carried me to the house just down the street that had been abandoned for years.

"Your freezing, how long have you been out here?" The man asked as I shivered and turned away from his bright green stare.

"Don't know, don't care. Just... go away." He sighed, walking away and I thought that he was really gonna leave me.

Just then I felt a tear fall out of my eye as my hands clutched fistfulls of my hair.

"Here." The man said leaning over me and wrapping a blanket around my large framed body.

"Your comming with me." He said, and the funny thing was I didn't argue. I don't think I could have. My head swam with frozen tears and my own tortures as he carried me to a black car parked infront of the house.

"Dean, she needs help." He said to a shorter man in the driver's seat and I just placed my nose on his chest as my head throbbed and I drifted off into a pained, unforgiving sleep.

The taller man whispered into my ear as my mind wandered and the car drove away with the two of us now inside.

"I'm Sam, don't worry. I'm gonna protect you." He said as I started to cry.

"And your never gonna be alone again. But I need you to tell me something. Who are you?"

"My names Jess." I whispered. "But I'm never alone." I said as I shivered in his arms.

"Not in a long time."

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