Famous pt. 2

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Jensen came running out to his car, finding it covered from top to bottom in sticky notes and he just sighed in relief as he remembers the note he dropped that caused him to run to his car.

Go see your car, love Jarad...

He laughed, thinking he had really lost his touch when you walk out from behind him with the bucket of red food coloring and dumped it all over him.

"Hi there, I'm y/n! Jarad said that was from him and that I should run right about now!!" You squealed, running the other direction as Jensen Ackles red stained face looked back at you astounded.

"Jarad!!" You heard him scream into the sky as you ran past the giant and the two of you stayed away from Jensen all day long.

Well, two days to be safe except for scenes.

A couple of days later you and Jensen had gotten to know eachother better. Since you were Dean's best friend, you figured you should try to be Jensen's too.

While you were walking back to your trailer one night after shooting all day since 2 in the morning, you yawned tiredly and didn't even bother to think of driveing to your hotel you were staying in. You walked inside your trailer and pulled out a bunch of pillows and just fell asleep on the floor.


"Shhh!!" You heard someone call as the first few rays of sunlight hit your eyes the next morning, deciding in your best intrest not to move as it sounded like Jensen. Four sets of feet paced into you trailer as one of them blocked the sun from your eyes and you realized that this might not have been the best idea ever.

The only one you had given a key to your trailer too was Jarad so you knew two of the four, the others you assumed to be Mark and Misha since they didn't mind getting into the antics on ocassion.

"On three..." Jarad whispered, you hearing the familiar slosh of water balloons as you decided on a very dastardly plan.

"One." Jensen whispered.

"Two." Misha said, trying not to snicker.

"Thr..." you heard Mark start, his shadow moving above his head in your eyes as you rolled over quickly, screaming at the top of your lungs as all four of the men dropped the water balloons from supprise right on top of their own heads.

"Serves you right." You laugh, rolling around on the ground like you were mad.

"Classy y/n. Real classy." Mark gripped as his tshirt stuck to him and the four boys funneled out of the trailer.

"And if you boys want a key to try out more pranks, just ask next time!" You call out the door as you laughed historically as the four marched to their own trailers and all the cast and crew enjoyed seeing them being the ones getting pranked.

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