The Mind Swap (ReaderXSam)

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My friend LegendsofOlympus suggested this topic for me because I went brain dead. Thanks Sil, I love you bro. Ps, she's the Jarad Padalacki to my Jensen Ackles, that's how much I love her.


You woke up, your mind hazy the next morning after the witch hunt you and the Winchesters had completed the day before.

Your hands shook as you slid your feet over the side of the bed, rubbing your eyes heavily as you continued to feel... strange.

Standing, the bright lights burned your eyes like one of the worst hangovers ever. Which was weird because you hadn't drank last night.

Whatever, you thought, my body's weird.

As you finally got a good look around, you realized that you weren't in your room at all.

"Dean," you grumbled, recognizing the swords above the bed. "You creep." You continue, walking past a mirror and catching a quick glimpse of yourself in it.

"No." Your eyes widened as you looked back at the mirror, touching your face and your eyes made their way down your body.

"I - I'm naked!!" You shouted, turning away from the mirror in horror. You, to your surprise, were in Dean's body, and he wasn't wearing any clothes.

"God dammit, why?!" You shouted, rifling through the clothes hanging in the closet and pulling on some boxers and a pair of jeans with a t-shirt before half walking, half running out of the room because you still were a bit shaky and awkward in a boy's body.

"Sam...?" you asked, covering your eyes slightly as you walked forward.

"Yeah? Hey, are you okay?" He asked, looking up from his book as your knees, well, Dean's knees, gave way and you fell head first into Sam.

"Whoa!" He shouted, catching you and pushing you back up onto your feet. "What did you drink last night?" He asked, looking you over as you looked over his shoulder and spotted yourself... no, that's Dean, clumsily coming out of your bedroom.

"JESUS DEAN, WEAR CLOTHES TO SLEEP!!" You shouted at yourself as Dean leaned up against the wall.

"I would say the same to you, but you were wearing underwear at least. Did you-"

"No, I didn't see it so don't ask if I liked it," you scolded, causing Dean you to laugh slightly.

"Okay, calm down y/n, I was joking you know," he said sliding down to the floor.

"I'm missing something here..." Sam said, looking between the two of you as you started to blush.

"I - uh, well - Dean?" You asked, looking over to you-Dean who was holding his head in your hands. He looked up, squinting in the bright lighting, and began to tell Sam what he knew.

"I'm in y/n's body, she wears frilly undies to sleep, she's in mine and almost saw my ding dong because I decided to sleep comando last night. I think that's all we know, right?" He asked, looking over to you as you nodded.

The blush on you cheeks got darker as you realized that as soon as Sam realized that it was you in Dean that he now had his arm around your shoulders.

"Y - ya..." you stuttered, leaning into Sam's side slightly.

"You have no idea how creepy that looks," Dean commented, my common resting bitch face on as he looked at me leaning on Sam. "He's my brother, that's my body, and your being cute in it. That's just so very wrong," he grumbled as you moved aways from Sam as soon as you realized what you were doing.

"S - sorry Dean!" You squeaked, staggering back to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Y/n, wait!" You heard Sam shout, grabbing your shoulder and spinning you around. "We'll fix this, okay?" He said as you blushed and turned back away.

You grumbled something about this screwing your chances and walking into the kitchen. "Great. I'm my crush's brother, doesn't that make me more attractive," you whispered to yourself, just now realizing that how deep your voice sounded. Just how strange it felt to not just be a man, but to be your best friend, Dean Winchester.

It was just unnerving.

"Who wants bacon?" You asked as you spotted Dean you out of th corner of your eye and started up the stove. About five minutes later you threw two plates down with bacon, toast, and eggs on them.

"Eat up boys." You commented, watching them dig into the plates and you just grabbed a handful of bacon and ate that while reading the paper.

ell, body swaps don't stop hunting.

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