The Flashin Fiasco

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I saw the cutest Cas prompt on Facebook and just had to write it.

It's very hillarious!! Love you buddys!


You were getting dressed in your bright blue bedroom, a stack of clothes on your bed from days of hunting that you hadn't bothered to wash yet.

You stripped off your clothes, laying a hand on your face as you checked for anymore dried blood on your cheeks from the last hunt you had returned from.

That's when you heard it, the all too familiar sound of an angel appearing with its slight flutter of wings as the world warped around them.

"Y/n!!" You spun around quickly seeing Cas behind you as you stood there buck naked in the middle of your room.

"CAS, TURN AROUND!!" You shouted, your hands flying around your naked body to protect his eyes from your body.

"I-um-well..." he stuttered as you grabbed the nearest thing to you, one of Dean's plaid shirts and throwing it on over yourself because it covered down to your knees.

"You better have a good explanation for this Castiel." You huffed as he peaked behind himself to make sure that you were wearing something now

"Dean days were going out for dinner and to get ready." You sighed heavily as you scratched your forehead lightly.

"Knock Cas..."

"My deepest apologies y/n, I'm so sorry." He whispered as he gazed down at his hands.

"It's okay, it's fine.." you laughed, now over your anger. The flush on your cheeks now going away, "I'm just not very comfortable in my body, even with clothes on." You giggled slightly as you pulled on some pants and put your own shirt on.

"Why?" He asked, cocking his head. "Your gorgeous..." he said, a blush growing on his own cheeks.

"You really think so?" You ask as he stepped foreward, holding his breath as you could tell. He smelled of pine and the earth with the slightest tint of a metallic scent from the angel blade stacked in his sleave.

"I always have..." he whispered as you looked into your eyes, your head having to loll back slightly to look right in his.

"What's happening here?" You asked as your bodies touched.

"I think we're about to kiss." He stated, his voice that was usually so empty of emotion filled to the brink with that one word. Kiss.

"Indeed." Your mouths collided briefly as you stared into each other's eyes.

"Wow..." you said together and went back to kissing as his smell overpowered you and you couldn't pull away.

"I love you." He murmured.

"I love you too."

Supernatural Short Story's: CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang