Wedding Day

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John straightened out his blazer and his bow tie, making sure everything looked good. He took one last look in the mirror before taking a deep breath and giving himself a few encouraging words. He met Greg in the corridor and they walked to the fellowship hall.

"Ya nervous?" Greg asked.

"You don't even know," John sighed.

"You should be, it is your wedding day."

"Still can't believe I proposed to Sherlock bloody Holmes."

"Well belive it, John. Because you did and now you're going to marry him and spend the rest of your life with him." Greg patted John's shoulder. "Ya got this John." he opened the door and they walked into the fellowship hall.

People were starting to fill in the benches. John stood on left side of the priest, looking at where Sherlock was supposed to stand. This was a huge moment in his life. There so many things that could go wrong. Sherlock could panic and leave, they forgot the rings, they forgot their vows, Sherlock could never show up becasue he changed his mind and realized he wasn't ready for this type of commitment. John let out a shaky breath and focused on what was important, making Sherlock Holmes his husband.

The big oak doors opened and Sherlock showed with his mother holding onto his arm. Everyone stood up and John straightend himself out. Sherlock smiled at John's attempt to look presentable and John smiled dorkily back. When Sherlock reached where he was supposed to be, the crowd sat down and the priest started talking.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two men in holy matrimony." he turned to John first.

"Do you, John Watson, take this man, Sherlock Holmes, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

John smiled at Sherlock and nodded. "I do."

Do you, Sherlock Holmes, take this man, John Watson, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

Sherlock nodded. "I do."

"If there is any disagreement of these two men joining together, speak now or for ever hold you peace." No one said anything and the priest continued. "Exchange the rings."

Greg gave John Sherlock's ring and Molly gave Sherlock John's ring. They both walked to each other. John took Sherlock's left hand, sliding the ring onto his ring finger. Sherlock did the same, smiling like a fool the whole way through.

They held hands as the priest continued, "With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband, and husband. You may kiss the groom." he closed his bible and stepped back.

John pulled Sherlock down by his lepel and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. Everyone stood and applauded the newly weds.

"How does it feel William Sherlock Scott Watson-Holmes to be a married man?"

"It feels amazing." Sherlock smiled, giving John another kiss.

The dinner afterwards was fantastic for the two. There wasn't a moment where they weren't smiling at each other or sneaking kisses from one another. Cutting the cake, Sherlock took a handful and shoved it into John's face. John did the same back to him and it started a war between the two, ending it in a loving kiss. Once the two cleaned up, it was time for the dance. John, who had been practing since they set the date, amazed Sherlock with his performance and was even more suprised when John dipped him. Everyone had a little more than they should to drink and Sherlock found Greg and Mycroft snogging in the supplies closet. It was embarrassing for them, but hilarious for Sherlock. As the night came to an end, people left and people came to clean up. John and Sherlock stayed behind, swaying back and forth on the dance floor, holding one another.

John looked up at Sherlock and Sherlock looked down at him. "You're the most amazing thing to happen to me William."

Sherlock hated when people called him that, but he made an acception for John. "And you're the most brilliant thing to happen to me, Hamish."

John smirked and pulled Sherlock down for a kiss before they decided to go back to the flat.

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