freaky friday

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this was Doritos_and_smosh idea it did not turn out how i wanted it to, but it's okay

"john, come here." sherlock called from the kitchen.

john knew not to say anything, so he got up from his chair and went into the kitchen. "what," he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"put your pointer finger on the little meteal ball." sherlock said.

john did as he said and sherlock put his finger on the same thing across the table. he did something the john felt a little shock go throw his finger. he took his finger off and gently rubbed the tip. "what was that supposed to do?" he asked.

"didn't work." sherlock admitted sadly, looking down at his notes. he sat down and started writing more. john went back to his chair, picking up the newspaper, sitting down, and finding his spot.

later in the day john started to get a migraine. he took some medicine, got a bag of ice, and went up to his room to lay down for a bit, but it never went away. it just got worse. he went back downstairs and saw sherlock pigging out on the leftovers in the fridge.

"what?" sherlock asked with a mouthful of food, "i'm hungry." he closed the fridge and walked off to his room. john went into the bathroom and looked for something to help him sleep, the migraine was killing him. he found some and retreated back up to his room, taking the medicine, and going to bed.

in the morning, his migraine was still there and he had the sudden urge for a cigeratte. he got out of bed and walked downstairs, seeing sherlock at the stove, making breakfast.

"oh, good, you're awake." sherlock said, turning to john. "remember yesterday when i shocked you?"

john nodded.

"good, because now your body is in mine and mine is in yours." sherlock went back to cooking. "how do you eat this much?"

"woah- wait, explain." john said. "how the hell did this happen. it couldn't have happened over a little shock."

"i don't know how it happened." sherlock said. "but i do know how to do an open heart surgery."

john sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "how does an electromagent shock do this."

"stop asking me questions." sherlock said. "you have to figure this out, and i'm not helping."

"can't we just reverse it?"

"i just told you to stop asking questions. your mind is just an empty space filled with useless shite, and i destroyed it so," john turned to sherlock. "how can you live with such a tiny brain?"

"do you always have urges for cigerattes and herion?" john asked.

sherlock frowned and turned back to the stove, turning it off.

"speaking of, i can finally find your hiding spots."

"no!" sherlock shouted, running over to john and grabbing him by his arms. "don't john, please." sherlock begged.

"you're using. i can't even get mad by that." john sighed and rubbed his face. "i will find your stash." he pointed up at sherlock. "and then i will try to fix this," he stepped out of sherlock's hold and ran to his room, locking the door.

sherlock chased after him, getting the door slammed in his face, then kicking it. he stormed off to the kitchen and ate his breakfast.

john came out an hour later tossing a full carton of cigarettes and a case onto the table. "give me a few hours  of peace and i can handle this damn situation you got us in to."

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