Father's Day

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"No, Rosie, don't stick your hand in that." Hamish said, taking his younger sister's hand out of the pancake batter.

"Bwuberri." Rosie said.

"I put the blueberries in already." Hamish sighed as he saw his sister had pancake batter all over her. "Rose, you made a mess."

"Sorry, Hammy."

Hamish got a napkin and tried to clean the batter off of her shirt. "We'll get you a clean shirt when we finish."

"Otay. Can I finish my card?"

"Yeah." Hamish pulled Rosie's high chair out and helped her in it and pushed her into the table. He gave her crayons and the piece of paper she had coloured. He went back to making the blueberry pancakes for his dads.

He let Rosie decorate the pancakes while he cleaned up. After she finished, they went upstairs and got her a new shirt and then went back down stairs to get the breakfast they had made. Hamish carried the tray of food while Rosie carried the two glasses of milk, with lids incase she dropped them.

"Ready?" Hamish asked.

Rosie nodded her head and they opened the door. "Happy dad day!" Rosie shouted.

John was the first to wake up. He smiled at his two kids who had made him and his husband breakfast.

Sherlock got up once Rosie found her way up onto their bed. He sat up and Hamish set the tray with pancakes on the bed.

"Breakfast in bed!" he said. "There was a lot of protien in the pancakes until Rose covered them in whipped cream."

Rosie had a satisfied smile on her face. She never liked how healthy her brother was.

"Well, they look delicious." John said, pulling Rosie into his lap.

"They're really good." Sherlock said with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Sherlock," John scowled him.

Sherlock swallowed the pancakes then said, "They are fantastic, my dear son."

John just scowled at him more and Hamish and Rosie laughed.

"I made card!" Rosie shouted, pulling a colourful peice of paper out from under the plate.

"Ah," Sherlock said, taking it. "It's very colourful."

"I wrote 'Happy Father's Day' on it for her, but she coloured over it."

"How about, you and your brother go make a new card while me and daddy enjoy our breakfast." John said.

"Otay!" Rosie climbed off the bed. "C'mon Hammy!" she shouted, running out of Sherlock and John's bedroom. Hamish followed behind her and closed his dads bedroom door.

"Are the pancakes actually good?" John asked.

"Yeah. Hamish is smart, and he can cook." Sherlock got a bite of pancake on the fork and fed it to John.

"Wow. I'm sure he gets it from you."

"Don't be absurd John. He grew up around Mrs. Hudson, I'm sure that's where he learned it from."

John smiled and kissed Sherlock. "As much as I'd love to spend the day with the kids, I'd like to sleep all day."

"Then why don't we?" Sherlock asked. "We can ask Molly to watch them, or just tell them to stay downstairs while we sleep."

"You know we are going to do a lot more than sleep."

Sherlock chuckled. "You're something else, John Watson."

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