taken too quick pt. 2

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its been four weeks and sherlock hasn't killed anyone yet. he actually kind of likes it. john is now his best friend and they hang out all the time, and not because they share a room. sherlock befriended molly, finding she was a good person to hang out with. also the music group helped him come out of his shell a bit more since everyone was supporitive and no one judge you for wearing a turban or having cancer.

he was walking back to his room with molly since they just had lunch and john's doctor was in there and the girl from the picture. sherlock remembered she was john's sister, but didn't remember her name.

"can you give us a few more minutes?" john asked sherlock.

sherlock nodded and left their room, going to the lounge with molly. "what was that about?" molly asked as she sat down next to sherlock.

sherlock shrugged and looked at the room. "i'm not sure. it had to be serious though, his sister and doctor are both in there." plus the fact that it looked like john's entire soul was sucked out of him.

after twenty minutes, sherlock sae john's doctor come out of their room and waited a few more minutes before getting up and going into the room. "hey." he said softly, looking at the sibblings that were seperated.

"hey, sherlock." john said and smiled at him. "this is harry." he said and gestured to his sister.

the woman waved at sherlock. "i gotta get going." she said and pulled her coat on. "i'll be by tomorrow." she said to her brother and ruffled his hair before smiling at sherlock and leaving.

sherlock sat on his bed and looked at john. "so why were your sister and doctor here?" he asked.

john moved to the side of his bed so he was facing sherlock then sighed. "the tumor is progressing. rapidly." he said and looked into his lap. he was picking at his finger nails. sherlock had notcied he did that when he was nervous.

"oh." sherlock said softly.

john nodded. "i'll be going home in a few days. i kinda don't want to die here." he admited with a small chuckle.

sherlock felt his heart sink in his chest. john was leaving. he didn't want him to leave. "oh." sherlock repeated, looking down at the tiled floor.

john got up and took a stride to sherlock's bed, sitting next to him. he placed a heasitant hand on his knee, drawing sherlock to look up at him. "they said they could try to operate on it."

"but they can't."

"that's what i thought. they've been lying because my sister didn't want me to know." john said and laid back. "if i go through with it they said i could live, but then there'd be the chance that i'd remember nothing. i'd be a complete different person."

"how big is that chance?" sherlock asked, looking at the wall of john's art. will he still remember that he's an amazing artist?

"ninety seven percent." john responded with a sigh. "i want to do it. i want to do it, but i'm scared of losing my memory. i'm scared of forgetting you." john admitted.

sherlock slowly turned to john. "w-what?"

john sat up again. "i don't want to forget you." he said again, gaining eye contact with the boy next to him. he gently cupped sherlock's cheek with one hand. "can i kiss you?" he asked softly.

sherlock felt the tips of his ears warm up. he nodded slowly, then felt the soft pair of lips of john watson connect to his. he kissed back gently, not knowing what to do.

"i don't want to forget about you." john said again, in a whisper. "i want to keep you in my head, forever." he said and pecked sherlock's lips softly.

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