hold on

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it all happened so fast. one second, john was walking beside him, hand in hand, smiling and laughing with him, telling a couple to fuck off because they gave them a dirty look, and the next he was lying on the ground, his hand trying to cover the wound. sherlock stood there in shock before john started yelling at him.

"pressure, sherlock." john said.

sherlock got down, taking his coat off and covering the wound with it, putting all the pressure he could on it.

john started to breath heavily, clenching his teeth. the bullet was going into him even more and he could feel it, tearing through his insides.

"am i hurting you?" sherlock asked in a panic tone. "i-i don't want to hurt you." he said and took some of the pressure off.

"no, no. pressure," john graoned.

sherlock nodded and put more pressure back on the wound.

"now have you called an ambulance?" he asked calmly.

sherlock shook his head.

"call one."

sherlock nodded and took out his phone, ringing for an ambulance. there was no one around them and there wasn't a loud noise when the person fired the gun, so they were all alone in a darkened park. "they're on their way." sherlock said and sniffled.

john nodded. "i need you.." john droned off, catching himself, "i need you to look at the- the wound."

sherlock nodded. "what am i looking for?" he asked, removing his coat.

"you need to stick your finger in it if you can."

"i'm not doing that." sherlock said and looked at john.

john turned his head to sherlock. "i need you to. you need to see if it has gone through any major arteries." he struggled to say. "now sherlock!" he shouted.

sherlock nodded and stuck his finger in john's wound, making him scream in pain, drawing a crowd. "it's almost at the right coronary." he sniffled.

"fingers out, pressure." john barely made those words out.

sherlock took his finger out, making john groaned, trying to grip onto something. he put his coat back up against the wound again and felt john's pulse, it was going down and he was turning pale. "john, look at me, please don't close your eyes."

"but- but i'm tired." he whispered, his eyes falling shut, but he tried to keep them open.

"you can sleep when we get home, yeah?" sherlock said and wiped his face on his sleeve.

john nodded and smiled a bit, "yeah. d'you think hudders made biscuits?" he asked with a little smile.

sherlock nodded. "she'll have a fresh batch waiting for us."

"good," john breathed, his eyes falling shut.

"john. look at me." sherlock said and tapped his cheek lightly.

john didn't move, but he had a weak pulse and sherlock was glad he was still alive. he kept pressure on the wound and after a few minutes he heard the faint sounds of sirens. sherlock smiled in relief as he watched paramedics run to him with a stretcher and an equipment bag.

"sir please back away." the man said.

sherlock was in too much shock to move, they pulled him off of john and set him on a bench, a paramedic examining him. sherlock watched them lift john onto a stretcher and load him in the ambulance. sherlock got up and ran to the ambulance, getting in the back of it with john, holding his hand.

"pressures dropping." the female paramedic said.

"alright, defibrillator." the male one said, cutting john's jumper so they could get to the wound better. that was his favorite jumper, sherlock would defiantly have to get him a new one. "charge to 300." the same man said. "clear!" he shouted and shocked john, his pulse didn't come back and sherlock felt his heart sink in his chest.

they arrived to the hospital, taking john straight to surgery, leaving sherlock in waiting. they were able to restart his heart, but it wasn't strong. he sat in one of the plastic chairs, staring at the double doors, waiting for someone to come out, telling him if john made it or not. he had no idea what he was going to do if john didn't make it. how would he face it? it was something he didn't want to think about, but kept thinking about.

after two hours, the doctor came out and it took a while to get sherlock's attention because he was in his mind palace, but once sherlock noticed him, he stood up and looked at the doctor. "the bullet pushed through his artery and he bled, a lot. we got the bullet out and got the bleeding to stop, and he's going strong. you've got a fighter mister holmes." the doctor smiled up at sherlock.

sherlock hugged him. "thank you, thank you." he said and let go. "what room?" he asked quickly.

"room 307." the doctor smiled.

sherlock smiled back and ran to the elevators, pressing the button until the doors opened. once he reached the third floor, he sprinted to john room, happy tears streaming out of his eyes when he saw john alive and breathing. he was sleeping though, so sherlock pulled a chair up to the side of his bed and held his hand, kissing it lightly.

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