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"alright," the director said, standing on his podium, quieting the students. "for your final project, you will be paired with someone, by my choosing, and performing a piece." he said. "the lists are on the door and i do not want to hear complaining. you stick with the partner i gave you, and you have all of class today and then you can work on it by yourselves whenever you want, but not during my class." he said then stepped off of his podium, going back into his office.

john sighed and set his clarinet down, looking over at his friend, irene, who played flute. she set her flute down in her chair and stood up with him, meeting him at the end of their section. they both waited in line to find out who they were paired with. schupner never paired friends together. he paired the people who never talked together because the class needed to work on being nice to each other and he liked seeing people suffer. they made it to the papers and found their names.

"greg?" irene said in a questioning tone. "who the hell is greg?"

"right here!" a voice piped out. a boy stepped out and raised his hand slightly. "i'm greg," he gave irene a timid smile.

irene sighed. "he doesn't seem bad." she said and pulled john to the side so the people behind them could look. "who'd you get."

"sherlock." john said and looked at the boy who sat in the back on his phone with his violin in his other hand. everyone knew sherlock, and everyone dispised him. john didn't know why, he was an excellent player and john opinion, pretty damn sexy. they had never talked to one another, they had never looked each other even, but john snuck in stares here and there. "greg's a great trombone player." john said to irene as they walked back to get their instruments.

"i just hope he isn't like anderson." irene said and picked up her flute from her chair, grabbing her folder as well.

john huffed out a laugh. "no one is like anderson." he said as he went to his chair. "greg and i have hung out a few times, he's a cool guy." he picked up his clarient, grabbing his folder along with it.

"i hope so." irene said and looked at the boy who was talking with some other trombone player. "meet me at my car after?" she asked her friend.

john nodded. "have fun." he said and smiled with his lips, walking through the maze of chairs and back to where sherlock sat. "sherlock?" he asked.

"what?" the baritone voice snapped back, not looking up from his phone. john glanced at it and it looked like he was on tumblr or something.

"i'm your partner for the project." john said and grabbed the chair that sat next to sherlock, sitting sort of in front of him.

sherlock glanced up from his phone and looked at the blond boy who sat in the chair with his back straight and feet flat, holding a clarinet. he sighed and pocketed his phone, sitting up. "was your father in the military?" he asked.

john furrowed his brows. "excuse me?"

"you always sit like that." he said and tilted his head up a bit more to make eye contact with john. "you sit like that, not because you want to because it was something you were forced into when you were younger. not by your mother though, it was your father. am i correct?"

john nodded and swallowed the dry lump in hid throat. "yeah." he said softly.

sherlock sat up in his chair properly and examined the boy. "he died, didn't he, in the field?"

john nodded again. "last year. afganistan."

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to."

"it's fine." john said with a kind of laugh, turning away from sherlock so he could wipe his face dry. "so," john said and turned back around. "do you want to go look in the music library?" he asked. "there's probably not a lot of viloin and clarient duets."

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