How you two met

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Matthew : He was practicing some basketball at the park, and by accident the ball missed the shot and hit you, Matthew apologized and was asking if you wanted to play because he was playing alone. Than after that he asked you if you wanted to go to eat, and get to know eachother more better.

Cameron : You two met in an amusement park, you two had to be in the same ride because their wasn't enough room, when the ride was going, you two talked for a bit. After the ride, Cameron invited you to get some food etc and everything went pretty well.

Hayes : You went to a Magcon meet and greet, and you met Hayes, You too started talking, He kinda flirting with you. He invited you after the meet and greet to hang out with you and rest of the boys.

Nash : The Grier family and your family were really close. So the Grier family invited your family to their house for dinner, throughout the whole dinner, and since you got there Nash always looked at you and gave you a cute smirk. In till Skylynn, came up to you and whispered to you, that Nash Liked you! You just smiled and blushed at him, Nash was so embarrassed. But you thought it was cute, Nash sat next to you and asked you if you wanted to go out and get to know eachother, You obviously said yes. And pretty soon his family and your family found out... Thanks to Skylynn ;)

Taylor : You were at Starbucks, sitting down just waiting for your friend. Than you noticed that this huy was looking at you blushing and smirking, his friends kept telling him "do It, man!" you thought it kinda funny, you just giggled. Minutes past, In till he finally had the guts and when up to you and introduced himself. You two ended up talking and laughing, just having a good time. But when Taylor had to go, he gave you his number, So did you, so you two can keep in contact.

Aaron : You were rushing down the streets because you had to go to do some errands. When you made a right turn you bumped into someone you feel and dropped your stuff, He apologized like a million times and helped you up. When he helped you up, You looked into his eyes, And that amazing smile, And you just felt fireworks. You both smiled at eachother, He apologized one more time and asked you if you wanted to go out to the movies or something, To repay for what he did. You said Yes, And you he gave you his number, And so did you to him.

Carter : You were an office assistant for school, It was your job to send notes to teachers and Show new students around a little. As you were in the office, The principal came up to you with a new Kid, She introduced you to him, And She introduced him to you. You showed Carter the classes, the gym, the cafeteria, ect.ect.ect. But the whole time, You can tell Carter wasn't paying attention the things you were showing him, He was..Paying attention to YOU and YOU only. You asked him if he was paying attention, And he straight up told you that you were really pretty and that he wanted to get to know you. You blushed a little, You said Yes and You hung out with Carter and find out he was a really sweet and caring guy.

Jack G : You were at the Magcon tour. You were so excited, You were having a blast! But than you noticed that Jack G, Was always looking at you always. You blushed a little. When the Show ended, You were getting your stuff and were about to leave, When Jack offered to open the door for you, You thanked him with a huge smile. He introduced himself and so did you, You guys talked for about 40 minutes, Than he asked you if you wanted to hang out sometime, You happily Agreed and you two switched numbers.

Jack J : You're friend invited you to go to the movies, She told you that she was gonna invite some other people, You had no problem with new people, So you agreed and you too went to the movies. Your friends, Friends decided to meet up inside the Movie theater, You all went in introduced yourselves, But their was this one really cute guy that you saw. You too Introduced yourselves. You had to sit next to him, Because their wasn't any seats left, You too started talking, Than it turned out you too talking for the whole movie! You and Jack were just having a good time talking to eachother, That he invited you to hang out with him another day. As the movie was over you too Said Goodbye and your friend told you, "Seems like you too Hit it off, And you too wouldnt be quite for the whole movie" She laughed, "I had a great time with him" you smiled.

Shawn : Your brother's friend Shawn, was comming over. You've never met Shawn, but you hear he's cool. The doorbell rings, you open it and he introduces himself, as so do you. You thought Shawn was really cute, he sits down on the couch and asks if your brothers home, you say that he will be back in like half in hour. You and Shawn were the only ones in the house, You sit A few feet away next to him, It was awkward at first, But than he started asking questions about you and stuff. Soon enough you too were totally hitting it of, And he asked you if you wanted to hang out later, You said Yes. When you're brother came back he found out, But he didn't mind, As long as he takes care of you.

Sorry if some these sucked //: but I hope some of you enjoyed! x

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