Storage space

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Nick didn't know what had happened.

One moment, he'd been stealthily creeping through the lower levels of Lady Mater's mansion, the next he'd been blinking awake, lying on the cold floor of what looked like a dimly lit industrial store cupboard.

Mops, buckets and other various supplies littered the cramped space, haphazardly scattered against the walls and floor.

The place stank of bleach and other cleaning products, which he could see stacked on shelves all around.

Movement over on his left side caught his attention, and he whipped around, peering into the dim light to try and see what was there.

A series of childish giggles, hushed quiet as if in an attempt not to be heard by him, tickled his ears.

There was something behind that stack of brooms over to his left, he was sure.
Creeping forwards, he lunged beneath the wood handless, fingers brushing the skin of whatever was under there, but it scrambled away from him to disappear around some shelves.

Nick blew a sigh. Oh, come on. The room wasn't that big, not even really a room, just a large cupboard.
How the hell was this thing evading him?

If it turned out to be someone's cat or something, he was going to be pissed.
Relived, but pissed.

Taking a calming breath, he nonchalantly stepped back to the general center of the cupboard, hoping he looked nonchalant, like he'd lost interest in whatever person or creature was in here with him.

On retrospect, probably not a cat. Cat's didn't giggle.

And then, he heard it again.
Pitter pattering over some shelves.

Swiftly, he lunged, grabbing into its leg.
The creature swore loudly, kicking at him as he pulled into​ into the light.

It was definitely not a cat.

It was a faery of some kind, and not only that, it was definitely a young child.

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