The words of a child

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Selene looked where Wesley was pointing, and then quickly turned away.

"Oh, good God, get me out of here now."

"Why?" Travis enquired, looking confused.

"I'll tell you later. Let's just leave now."

"Well, we have to let the others know what we're doing first.
And track down the kids."

"Well then, you do that! Just give me the bloody keys, I'll go wait in the car!" She hissed frustratedly.

"Okay, okay. No need to bite my head off about it. Wow, that woman must have done something big time to upset you like this!"
He rummaged in his pocket, searching for the keys.

"Well, she threatened to kill me. That 'big time' enough for you? Give me the goddamn keys!"

Hurriedly, Travis dropped the keys into her waiting palm. "Go. Just watch out in case something from the house spots you. I'll be coming up with the little ones in a bit."

Selene nodded, snatched the keys, and hurried to the door to leave.

Wesley put her hands on her hips. "What's that girls problem?" She said derisively.

Travis couldn't help but laugh at the young girls attitude.
"Alright, come on. Help me find the others. Where would they be?"

"Billy was following the Shadowhunter lady. She was snooping around, an' I'm not sure she was s'posed to be doin' that.
Billy was spyin' on her, to make sure of what she was doin'.

Rigsy's wif the lady over there that the uver lady was scared of."

"Okay then. And in what direction was the Shadowhunter lady 'snooping'?"


"Great." Travis muttered. "That's helpful."

"But mostly over there."

"Okay then. We get Rigsy, hunt down Billy, and somewhere between all those let Evelyn and Nick know what we're doing."

"I'll help." Cut in Emilia's voice. She walked into the room, Rigsy trailing behind her, his tail swaying happily.
"It'll be easier to find everyone if I do."

Travis swallowed nervously, Selene's reaction playing on his mind.
"Uh... I suppose..."

"Great! Let's get going!"

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