A rock and a hard place

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"Uhhh..." Shit. Nyx had no idea what to say. There was no way tell the truth that was not going to look bad from Maddie's point of view, and if she lied, denied or even bent the truth to save Maddie's feelings, he was going to get offended or angry.

Between a rock and a hard place, much.


Either way, someone was going to get upset, keyly Nyx.


She looked back and forth between the two of them, looking for clues.


Luci chuckled. "This is gonna be interesting."

"Uhh... Shut up." Nyx croaked.

Luci shrugged, grinning. "I'll be happy to explain, if you can't." She cackled.

Malicious as it was meant to be, it sounded half-tempting.

"Uhhh... No, I'll... Explain..." Nyx was breathing heavily now, struggling to form words. "It's... What..  I... Don't know. I don't feel well."

It was the truth. She felt physically sick. Her stomach was turning and her head ached.
She stumbled on her feet, suddenly feeling dizzy.

Sebastian steadied her. "Hey hey hey, are you okay? Come here, sit down for a minute."

"Don't touch her. DON'T TOUCH HER!" Screamed Maddie, blatantly panicking but immediately going on the defensive, moving as if to get up, as if to launch herself at Sebastian.
Nyx had a sudden image of Maddie pouncing on him and clawing his eyes out with her manicured nails.
It didn't help the nausea.

His hands clutching lower arms, supporting her, she could feel him tense up in response, although she wasn't sure what his exact reaction was as she was too focused on not throwing up on his shoes to look at his face.

Surprisingly, it was Alysha that cut in, pulling herself out of her corner of sulking to take control of the situation.
Gently, she took Nyx in her arms, pulling her away from Sebastian, which he did object to but didn't do anything to prevent.

"Let's just everybody calm down, yeah? Nyx, just breathe. It's the stress. Probably slight dehydration too, but it's going to be fine. Sit down here and just breathe. Don't exert yourself. You're fine."

Back from holiday! Not exactly two weeks as I said, but ah well!
How is everyone?

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