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Selene pushed through the door, feeling like death warmed up.
"We're home." She called out listlessly, as Travis followed in behind her.

Owen appeared at the top of the stairs. "Thank God. Baby's literally just gone down. So, what's happened?" He hissed in a whisper.

"Evelyn's... Trying something to cure Rachel.
We're taking shifts to sleep and stuff, which is why we're back.
Any word about Nyx?"

"Nothing really. Other than what Julianna's said, I haven't really heard anything."

Selene cursed. "Fuck. She would choose now to disappear off the face of the earth. Sorry, that sounds cruel.
I'm just so..." She broke down into tears.

Owen put his arm around her. "Hey, Cuz, it's okay. We know. You love them and you have every right to be worried. Ssh. There, there.
You go up to bed. You too Travis. I'll cook some bacon or something later."

Selene nodded, starting to go up the stairs. Then she stopped. "Um... Is there some way you can... Check up to see what's happening with looking for Nyx? Cause, Julianna said something about Idris, and... Just follow it up."

Owen nodded. "Will do. You sleep before you collapse."

She walked upstairs, going into her room.

Travis sat at the counter, chin resting in his hands.

"God, I'm tired."

"Then go to bed!"

Travis shook his head. "Couldn't sleep. Not with... everything."

Owen thought for a moment. "Coffee?"


Travis groaned loudly, head in hands. "God, I feel useless. I hate this. I feel like I should be doing something."

"You could always make your own coffee?"

Travis's glare withered him.

"Okay, no jokes. Sorry. But honestly, I know as little as you do. I just wish... "

He trailed off.

Travis nodded. "Yeah, me too."

I'm definitely beginning to wrap this book up now hopefully.
Don't want to drag it on too long.

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