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"Nyx, I'm so sorry..."

"Mads? You got anything to drink, or like some gum or mints or something? My mouth feels like sandpaper."

"Nyx, listen to me..."

"No? Okay, it's fine. How's your leg, anyway? I don't think I asked about that yet, so sorry."


"You know, I feel like I've been a bad friend. I haven't really been looking after you, or paying attention to you, and I feel so awful because of that. I really am sorry."

"Nyx!" He got frustrated, and grabbed her wrist to get her attention. "Can I talk to you please?"

Nyx finally chose to acknowledge him, giving him a blank-eyed, coarse look and tugging her arm out of his grip. "I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request." She turned back to Maddie, walking over to sit next to her.

Luci crept up to Sebastian from the side, who was just sort of standing there uselessly, opening and closing his fists in a manner that suggested he didn't quite know what to do.
"In case you didn't get that, that means, 'You fucked up.' "

"Fuck off."

"Alright, calm down! You mean I'm not supposed to revel in this?" She batted her lashes innocently. "And you fucked up big time. She's not even raging at you, she's actually ignoring you. Trust me, that's gonna hurt so much more."

He glared at her icily, forcing he to take a small, half-step back.

She chuckled. "Seriously though, do tell me, what was it like tonging your girlfriend's evil twin?"

"You know there's nothing to stop me killing you, right?"

"Technically, no. But I don't think it'll exactly enamour you to your lady love, and you're already walking on eggshells in that area. Blatant murder will not improve your situation. Just a bit of advice." She grinned again, enjoying herself.

He examined his fingers lazily. "Well, seeing as thanks to that bitch I probably don't have a situation to improve..."

Luci took the hint, striding away, hips swinging, chuckles spilling over from her internal cackling.

Looks like I'm going to be publishing later in the day for a while, just so you know.

Also, I have so much left to go, that I'm considering a book 5. It would basically be part 2 of this book, but I just feel people would be more attracted to reading a fifth book than have this one go on really long.
I just haven't managed to fit in everything I planned!

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