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Luci flopped down next to Maddie, physically exhausted and beginning to feel the effects of dehydration.
"Bloody hell, my hands are torn to blazes! She's a fricking slave driver she is!"

Maddie made a non-committal noise of agreement, not really paying attention.

Luci frowned, clearly annoyed at not having Maddie's full attention on her problems.

"What, are you still moping about that thing going on between Sebastian and your little friend Nyx?
Who by the way, has the bitchiest hell-cat of a doppelganger of anyone ever. Not that that's important.
Still pissed about them two together? I understand. I would be, if it was my friend.
Then again, it's unlikely to last."

"That's part of what I'm worried about." Maddie said, voice sounding almost emotionless. "I don't want him to hurt her, figuratively or literally. Why can't she just walk away?"

"Beats me." Luci shrugged.


Maddie shifted uncomfortably. "Let's talk about something else."


"I don't know."

More silence.

"Hey, question, what are your thoughts on that light-beam thing? And like, all the cave-painting stuff around it. You said something about it earlier, I think."

"It feels wrong. Like... I don't know. I just look at it and I know."

"It's not natural." Maddie agreed. "It's like sunlight, but that's not outside it leads to. At least, I really don't think so. Outside is upwards, and that's like... Awkwardly to the side. Also, too... Gold, I think. Like if you went through there, it would be really, really bright."

"Just makes me feel weird." Luci said simply.

"There's that too." Maddie nodded, not quite paying attention again although this time it was because she was pondering her own thoughts on the light.

"Tell you what, I bet we can find out exactly what it is."

Now Luci had Maddie's attention.
"What? How? Cause I ain't touching it just to see what happens. You heard Alysha, and as much as I don't trust her, my gut says she knows what she's talking about."

Luci gave Maddie a look. "Rewind that sentence, you've answered your own question. Alysha really does seem to know what she's talking about, doesn't she?"

Maddie raised an eyebrow sceptically. "I'll give you twenty bucks if you can get her to tell you anything about it. She's got her secrets locked up tighter than any vault."

Luci grinned wickedly. "There's a way to make her crack. We've just​ got to find it."


"Yup!" Luci chirped cheerily. "You're now my accomplice!"

"Oh... Gee..."

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