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Sebastian stumbled out of the portal after Luci, panting hard as it closed, hands on knees, blood dripping out of various shallow wounds.

"I think... We lost... Them." Luci said between gasps.

"What... The hell... Was that... Thing you did? To that woman?" He grated out, slowly reclaiming his breath. "Is she dead?"

Luci shrugged. "I dunno." She said casually. "why, do you want to go back and check?"

That earned a filthy glare.

"Where the hell did we end up, anyway?" He asked, looking around.

Luci was still gasping for breath, doubled over.
"I... Was in a hurry. Don't... Blame... me if we're... Not where we're supposed to be."

She straitened up, stretching out her tired limbs.
Then, finally, she took notice of where they were.

"Ah, crap. This is definitely not where I intended to end up."

One more page and we're done!
Yay me!

Also, sorry I didn't update yesterday. Out with family.

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