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Luci hobbled along, feeling bruised, battered and thoroughly irritated.
Her head hurt, her body aches, and chances are, she was going to stab to death whoever she met first. Especially if it was that Alysha chick.
It was all her fault anyway, with her crazy half-cracked plans, erratically psychotic demeanour and​ her stupid... Unloaded gun.

Yeah, Luci was still pissed at that.

Was the tunnel she was following getting smaller?

She'd been able to stand upright quite easily before, but now she had to crouch ever so slightly to avoid smacking the crown of her head on the roof.

Hunching over, she kept going, following the tunnel which ever so gently sloped upwards.
Part of her hoped it lead to the surface, although another part of her reasonably suggested that it just lead to another cavern.
Hopefully larger than the hole she'd just crawled out of, although the shrinking size of this passage suggested otherwise.

It was still getting smaller.

Now she was practically bent over, and suddenly debated turning back.
This was humiliating,  borderline painful, and extremely frustrating with the overall useless feeling of it all, being no closer to freedom.

Seriously, if Alysha hadn't been crushed to death by rocks, she was very willing to do it herself.

And now she was crawling. Crawling through the dirt. Well, this was demeaning.

But then she saw the lighter opening at the end of the passage, and suddenly felt a flutter of relief, scrambling towards the escape from this claustrophobic space.

She scrambled forwards, headfirst into the open space, easing her torso into the large open cavern, and...

She was stuck.


Her hips were wedged, making it nearly impossible for her to either go forwards or back further than a couple millimetres. She wriggled like an eel, trying to get loose.

Finally, with an undignified sound, she tumbled out of the hole, spilling messily onto the floor.

Well, that was degrading.

Then she looked up.

If that was degrading, this was worse.
He was the last person she'd have wanted to see that.

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