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The faery child twisted out of Nick's hands, racing for the door and yanking it open, Nick grabbing the edge and pulling it open before it shut on him.

He strode out into the hallway, the child racing away ahead of him, giggling.
Nick shook his head, shrugging off the weird experience.

He just needed to get out.

He needed to take the acid to Evelyn to get the gate unlocked. In fact, he needed to call her now, tell her what happened.

That's when he realised. Where was his phone?
No, scratch that, where was the acid?

He was rifling through his pockets, but he already knew.

That kid.

Taking off at a run, he took off down the hall after the faery child.

He found the little boy resting atop a tall cabinet in one of the mansions beautifully furnished, but now highly dusty, drawing rooms. The child hadn't seen him yet, instead it was currently in the process of trying to get into Nick's phone.

Literally. It was attempting to remove the back, to see what was inside.

Nick swore under his breath, and without taking a second to think, strode into the room and snatched at the phone in it's hands.

The kid bit him.

Nick yelped, a set of crecent teeth marks now visible in his skin.

The faery chattered at him angrily. "Bad! Bad man! No stealing!"

"But you stole it from me!" Nick cried, calculating his chances of grabbing the phone without getting another bite.
They weren't good.

Nick groaned. "Alright, the phone and the little bottle you took from me. I need them back. Maybe... I can trade you something for them?"

Now the little boy looked attentive. "Trade me what?"

Nick ran his fingers nervously through his hair. "What do you want?"

So, what would you trade with a thieving faery child?

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