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Wesley crept up the stairs towards the door that had previously been blocked by the demons, but currently looked clear.

Slowly, she tiptoed towards the abused door, eyeing the scratches and impact cracks in it warily.
Tentatively, she tapped on the door.
"Billy?" She hissed in a whisper. "Rigsy?"

"Hey, it's Wesley!" She heard the familiar voice of Rigsy from inside.

There was the sound of things being scraped across the floor as
furniture was pulled away from the door.
The door was opened just a crack, and a man peered out, checking who it was.

Then he yelped as the door was wrenched from his hands by two eager little boys.
"Hey, wait a bleeding minute...!"

"But it's Wesley!"

Rigsy was first out, grabbing Wesley and pulling her into a tight hug.
Billy stood back, not keen on physical displays of affection, but obviously also happy to be reunited with Wesley.

Wesley hugged Rigsy back, smiling down at the shorter boy, who was clinging onto her like a limpet. She ruffled his hair fondly.
"Hey, Rigs."

Nick sighed. "Good God, please don't say I have to babysit you too."

"I don't need a babysitter, I'm six! Not a baby! 'sides, I know this place better than anyone!" Chirped Wesley.

"Good, you can lead us to the front door, we're leaving!" Said Candace irritably as she stomped up the stairs.

Nick threw up his hands. "Oh, hallelujah, someone to take them off my hands!"

Candace chuckled. "Been that awful, has it?"

"Well, between being knocked unconscious by a four year old and chased by demonic hell-bats, I'd say yeah."

"Ah, damn, I'm sorry. Though to be honest, what were you doing here?"

"Don't even ask. Instead, can you direct me to Evelyn's lab?"

"Evelyn has a lab?" Candace exclaimed.

Billy laughed. "We know something you don't! We know something you don't!"

"You take him to the bleeding lab then, if you know. I mean, you practically live in the walls here anyway, why wouldn't you know?"

Couple of pages back I asked people's opinions​ on how to get Rachel to the lab from the car.
I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I honestly do need answers.
So I'm asking again, basically.

Also, how are you finding the book so far? I appreciate any feedback on any particular part of the story.

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