Chapter 10

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Riccos pov
After a while I started to fall asleep. I didn't want alazai to sleep on the couch so I carried her up to my room. I laid her down on my bed and I covered her with a blanket. I went downstairs and slept on the couch. It was early, it was ten thirty in the morning and I was tired. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and I fell asleep.
Alazai's pov
I woke up in a bed. I looked around and no one was in the room. I checked my phone and it was already six fifty in the afternoon. I got out of the bed and I walked downstairs. I looked over on the couch and I saw Ricco, he was asleep. I walked over to him and I kinda moved him.
"Ricco wake up. I gotta go home now." I said while moving him.
He opened his eyes and rubbed them.
"Okay, come on I'll come with you." He said while getting up.
I handed him my keys because I didn't feel like driving.
We got into the car and we headed to my house.
We finally got there after a ten minute drive and Ricco parked the car in the driveway.
"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow." He said handing me the keys.
He got out of the car and so did I.
"Wait how are you gonna get home?" I asked.
"Well I have legs, haha I can walk." He said.
I felt bad he did all this for me the least I could do was invite him to eat with me and my brother.
"Hey the least you can do is come eat dinner with me and my brother." I said
"I don't have any money." He said.
"I'll pay for you."
He smiled.
"Alazai you don't have to do that."
"Ricco come on." I said.
I grabbed his arm and I took him inside my house. My older brother Jayden was sitting on the couch watching tv.
"Oh hey alazai and some guy I don't know. Who is that." Said my brother Jayden.
"This is Ricco, he's a friend and I was thinking maybe we could all go out to eat at joes pizza." I said
" alright, I'm starving anyway." He said.
"I'll drive." Said Jayden.
We all got into the car and we headed over to Joes pizza.
"So Ricco, are you and my sister dating?" Asked Jayden.
I couldn't help but smile and blush.
"Um no, we're just friends." He said
"Oh, cool. So are you new to town?" Asked Jayden.
"Yeah, I am I barley moved here." Said Ricco.
"Cool, you'll like it her man it's pretty quiet and relaxing." Said Jayden.
We finally pulled up to Joes pizza and we picked out a table.
The waitress came to our table and she set down some bread rolls.
She took out a pen and a note pad and she said "Hey guys, I'm Dana I'll be your server today, what can I get y'all to drink."
"Um I'll take a sweet tea." I said.
"Let me get a sprite." Said Ricco.
"Um I'll have a coke." Said Jayden.
"Well alright I'll be right back to get your orders." She said
She brought the drinks after a while and we all just sat there and talked.
We ordered our food and we all ate. The dinner went better than I expected it to be.
"Y'all ready to go?" Asked Jayden.
"Yeah, it's getting late." I said.
"Okay well y'all go to the car I'll pay." He said.
Me and Ricco walked to the car and I unlocked it.
"Hey thanks." He said.
"No problem it was the least I could do." I said.
He got closer to me. I felt my knees shake, and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.
"Can I ask you something?" He said
"Um yeah. What is it?" I asked.
He stepped closer to me. One more step and we would be making out.
"Do you think I'm like all the other guys?" He asked.
"Ricco stop." I said.
"Alazai answer me please." He said.
He put his hand over on the car and stepped closer to me.
"Tell me."  he said.
"Woah y'all two love birds should be getting in the car." Said Jayden.
Ricco rubbed the back of his neck and I just got in the car.
The ride back home was awkward, but I knew Ricco would want his answer soon.
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