Chapter 78

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Frimzy's pov
I tried to explain the whole situation to Alazai, but she just stormed off into the room. I didn't sleep with that girl for the hell of it. Sam gave me something that night, I didn't know what it was, but it was a pill.
I didn't drink that much last night, but I felt tipsy. I don't remember what happened after sam took the girl home.
I wanted to explain that to Alazai, but I knew she wouldn't believe me.
I felt like an asshole for putting her through all this bullshit.
I decided to try one more time. I didn't want her to be mad at me because I loved her. I didn't want this to break us up.
I walked upstairs and she was laying down on the bed. I could hear her sniffling. I knew she was crying.
"Alazai? Babe please listen to me. It's really not what you think. Things didn't go down the way you think they did." I said. My voice started to get shaky. This was really getting to me.
She sat up and she wiped away her tears.
"I don't want to hear it Jose. I just texted Ulyssa. I told her to come pick me up. I need a break." She said.
Those words broke my heart into a million pieces. The thought of her leaving me just hurt.
She got up from the bed and she walked away.
I had to fix this.
After a while she left and I decided to go to Sam's house because i needed to know what sam gave me last night.
I got into the car and I drove off.
Sams house
When I got there I knocked hard on the door. I knew he was getting high with some of his friends, but I didn't care. I had to know what he gave me.
He opened the door and he said "oh hey bro, what's up."
"What the fuck did you give me last night?! I don't remember shit! I only remember you taking that girl home!" I said angrily.
"Bro chill haha. I gave you some molly. It was only like one pill." He said.
I got so mad. Why would he give me hard core drugs?
"Bro what the fuck!" I yelled.
"What happened with me and that girl?" I asked.
"Well nothing. Them hickeys really are the only thing that happened." He said shrugging his shoulders.
"Bro all because of this bullshit Alazai is pissed off at me. She ain't even talking to me anymore bro. You better fucking fix this. It's one thing that I got shot because of your ass, but it's another when you fuck with me and Alazai's relationship." I said.
I got back into my car and drove home.
Sams pov
Jose came to my house and told me what happened with him and Alazai. I felt bad for doing that to them. I knew I had to fix this, I didn't want Alazai's and Jose to leave each other over my childish ass acts.
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